To Open: I’m going to go ahead and laugh a little to myself because for a moment there I tried very hard to be formal…just to see what it felt like. Anyway this may just be a huge issue, I haven’t decided yet but there’s a lot to talk about and I don’t know if it can all wait. The articles may be extremely large or they may only be a paragraph or so…like I said it all sort of depends on what I can find as far as information. I’ll try my best though and hopefully we will all be able to learn something. So read on, my friends, and try not to forget your duct tape.
Breaking the Bank: On January 28, 2009 the House of Representatives passed yet another stimulus bill that was not only bogged down with more pork barrel spending and earmarks than pretty much anything we’ve ever seen before but also cost us a grand total of $819 BILLION. Not a single Republican voted for this thing (neither did eleven Democrats) but it was unanimous nonetheless with the Democrats ruling the House. I have a feeling this isn’t going to be the only thing that the Democrats get to shove down our throats, but let’s congratulate our Republicans for standing up to this despite it having been no use. At least they held to their ideals. So here’s what the Bill itself says.
Straight off the top of the bill here is initial summary of what we are to expect in the following pages:
Making supplemental appropriations for job preservation and nation, infrastructure
investment, energy efficiency and science, assistance to the
Unemployed, and State and local fiscal stabilization, for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2009, and for other purposes.
I have so many problems with this…I’m pretty sure you have the same ones so I won’t even lecture about it. Let’s keep going. Alright so we’ve got hot off the Bill itself $300,000,000 off to the Agricultural area of the country that is open to them until the year 2010. Except the catch for this one is that none of this can be sent to the Forest Service people for necessary replacement, modernization, upgrades of labratories or any other facilities for workplace safety or mission-area efficiencies. Now, really, isn’t this sort of silly? First of all these people shouldn’t be getting money anyway because it has nothing to do with creating jobs. We’re just handing over a stunning three hundred million dollars! Next the AGRICULTURAL CREDIT INSURANCE FUND PROGRAM ACCOUNT is where another chunk of money is going. Here is how it is going to be parceled out:
farm ownership loans, $400,000,000 of which
$100,000,000 shall be for unsubsidized guaranteed loans
and $300,000,000 shall be for direct loans; and operating
loans, $250,000,000 of which $50,000,000 shall be for un-
subsidized guaranteed loans and $200,000,000 shall be for
direct loans.
Again we got our Renewable Energy Incentive Money to which a grand total of $1,600,000,000 will be going to this nonsense! How is this not pork! I’m pretty sure that Obama made a point during his campaign promising he wanted to ELIMINATE earmark and pork spending! I thought we were trying to create jobs and stimulate the economy-this has nothing to do with the economy! And if anyone-I mean ANYONE-whines to me about it creating new cars I’m going to jump on them! This does nothing but further hinder the automotive industry of America, we are falling behind the Foreign auto producers because WE are the ones under restrictions!
But that’s okay because there are a few thing that money from this bill aren’t going to. Here’s your list:
“None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available in this Act may be used for casino or other gambling establishment, aquarium, zoo, golf course, or swimming pool.”
Well praise the lord-we can pay for everything else in a bill that was meant to be about the economy but if it has anything to do with something fun (yes we might as well have FUN funded in this bill since we are all going to need to be happy somehow when the country collapses) it is totally against the rules.
Before I get upset I’m going to share a final part of this bill…it’s actually quite hilarious in my opinion. Here we go:
None of the funds provided by this Act may be made
available to the State of Illinois, or any agency of the
State, unless (1) the use of such funds by the State is
approved in legislation enacted by the State after the date
of the enactment of this Act, or (2) Rod R. Blagojevich
8 no longer holds the office of Governor of the State of Illinois. The preceding sentence shall not apply to any funds
provided directly to a unit of local government (1) by a
Federal department or agency, or (2) by an established
formula from the State.
Illinois just can’t catch a break! This was too hilarious I just had to show it off…for that state’s sake I hope the guy gets impeached!
Well I’m going to include a link to this bill so you can read the entire thing for yourself since I am pretty sure it would take up way too much space to outline everything in it.
Global Economic Meeting: Yesterday (the 28th) marked the meeting of world leaders who get together to discuss what should be done with the economy and what is going on in everyone’s respective countries. Yesterday one of the keynote speakers had a lot to say. Vladimir Putin stood up and decided to begin ripping into different countries including the United States when he said that: “Today, investment banks-the Pride of Wall Street-have virtually ceased to exist.” When only a year ago it was said that the economy was “Fundamentally stable”. Yet this wasn’t the extent of what he said.
"The pride is gone," said Putin, referring to Wall Street hubris. His own country has fallen hard over the past year, seeing its currency plunge and once massively rich magnates lose billions.
Putin said economists and politicians should always be ready for such a crisis, saying it was as inevitable as the Russian winter.
The crisis differs from the Great Depression of the late 1920s and the early 1930s because it "has affected everyone at this time of globalization," he said. "Regardless of their political or economic system, all nations have found themselves in the same boat."
Further he and his co-keynote speaker from China both made it clear that it was time for a new World Reserve Currency.
New Reserve Currency: More and more it is being suggested that our global currency needs to change. For those who don’t know it is currently the dollar that is used world-wide, yet the problem is that it is no longer backed up by the one thing that gives it real value. Gold. We have been printing money like we are trying to drown ourselves in greenbacks, and there is no end in sight with the new bill being pushed through. However most of the world is beginning to distance themselves from the dollar which is fast becoming naught but worthless. China is quickly deciding that buying our debt is not worth their time and more than once, now, it has been suggested that we move off the dollar and create a global currency.
I dare ask you all what you think will happen when the dollar is no longer the big “buck” as it were, and if you think that we can handle something like that…I feel that you are dead wrong. Even Putin and his fellow Chinese Keynote speaker urged that the dollar is out dated and that it was time to switch over. Unfortunately there is nearly no information on this, however I am adding another link to this so that you can take a look at what Ron Paul from Texas has to say about this.
In Closing: Alright so I decided to leave off some of the other topics until next week. I think three pages worth of information is a good standard to have going. Not too much information, and it leaves me with something to talk about next week. This will go out today (the 29th) and I will see you all again next week at probably the same time. Thank you very much!
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