Hello Everyone: Well despite running late-Again-I’m feeling quite cheery actually. Things are actually beginning to work out. Alright I know I promised you all that something good would be coming, and I think something good is, but I don’t think it will be like what you might be prepared for. I want this issue to be dedicated to different points of view so I just sent the message out to all sorts of people asking them some key questions that most people are faced with on a daily basis. What I want to do is dedicate this issue to their answers. Maybe I’ll add my own commentary in as well…I don’t know just going to go with the flow. Hopefully this is an educational issue and you all can see what other people think. Oh, and though they probably will never read this I would like to thank EVERYONE who participates in this with me, you are helping other people and I appreciate that. So without further ado here are what others think.
People’s Opinion:
This is what I sent out so that I could get some answers:
I'm going to pose some questions and those who answer this will be featured in my personal political newsletter. If you answer I will promise that I will not be derogatory, rude, crude, or otherwise and will respect your opinion. I just want to show some variety.
1. What political group do you consider yourself affiliated with?
2. Who would/did you vote for in this Presidential Election?
3. Where do you stand on Healthcare?
4. Where do you stand on the War in the Middle East?
5. Where do you stand on drilling for oil in the US?
6. Where do you stand on illegal immigration?
7. What do you think should be done about the economy?
Thanks for your help, I hope to hear from some people!
Reilly Schladt (St. John’s College MN):
1. Libertarian, although I am a registered Republican.
2. McCain, although I didn't vote for him in the primary.
3. Needs deregulation, not nationalization.
4. Get out.
5. No restrictions should be placed on a landowner's right to drill on their own property, and all state owned land whether it can be drilled or not should be sold.
6. Everyone has the right to buy, use, or move through any piece of land with the permission of its owner, and violence used by the state to stop them is unjust. In other words I'm in favor of foreign borders which are as open as the borders between the states of the US.
7. A radical dismantling of state power. The elimination of The Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department would be a start.
Kalub Spendlove:
1. What sort of political group do you associate yourself with? (ie Conservative, Liberal, Republican, Democrat, Progressive)
2. Who did/would you vote for as President this election?
3. What is your stance on the economy?
4. What is your stance on the war in the Middle East?
5. What is your stance on drilling for oil?
6. What is your stance on Healthcare?
well i would have voted for mitt romney but he dropped out.
i think that people are being quite stupid really. the problem isn't that stock is bad or houses are bad its just that people are buying too many things on credit and not paying them off. too many fines and not enough real money to pay them off. it will turn around when people get the picture. and it won't ever get any worse than the depression.
when i hear people talking about us just getting oil out of the middle east they don't know about the other stuff that is happening. and if we were getting oil out of there then we would be getting oil for even less than we are now. and it isn't getting oil that is the real problem its refining it. we don't have enough refineries. sorry got off topic. i support the war in the middle east and to be truethful it isn't a war. it is more of a police action that the UN didn't have the intestinal fortitude to do itself. i support the war, and we are doing it for a better cause.
yes drill for oil. the earth was made to be used for the betterment of mankind so use it. the earth has more land than people think. drilling will solve some of the problem but like i said before we need refineries.
health care should not become socialized. thats all i have to say. because i really don't know much. just socializing it would hurt us even worse. it already is partially sociallized. people that go into a public hospital are required to be treated even if they don't have insurance.
Because I Can: Alright I’m not getting much cooperation with people-I’m sure their busy-so instead I’m going to do something that should be equally interesting. I’m going to show you a bit of point-counterpoint that I do while playing on a site called Minkey. What I’m going to do is take an opinion that I’ve held a discussion on and put the entire discussion up here so that you can see how others think. It’s just a faster way of doing what I wanted to do in the first place. Alright try to enjoy this-oh and if you think I made a bad point, or want to make your own point please message me either on Facebook, e-mail me, or comment on the blog. Thanks!
Opinion: Israel said it wants peace, how come?! –They didn’t do anything for peace, but they make war, kill, blood.
What I said: Ah! you people drive my crazy! Israel did NOT start this fight over in Gaza-stop saying they did! Do you know what happened? Have YOU done YOUR research? How come an eighteen year old can figure this one out and adults cannot! The peace treaty that was between Israel & Palestine expired on the 19th or 16th (sorry I can't remember which) and as soon as it did Hamas-yes Hamas!-started attacking Israel. Israel decided not to be cowardly and fought back, hmm...yeah totally cold blooded I suppose it's wrong for someone to decide to protect their people! People stop simply picking up an idea that is tossed around by the media and throw it up on Minekey as though you could really be offended by something that you know nothing about. Do some research! (Needless to say I was kind of annoyed)
Rebuttle: see how many people die from Gaza and how many die from Israel and you will know who have the right to Israel every day, killing many people defenseless Is this the way to protect their own people, in your view protect their people and who started the war
Me Again: Now wait a minute, you are still saying that Israel dropped the bomb first. They didn't Hamas attacked them-THEIR people! As soon as the peace treaty was expired on the 19th of December it was as though it was open season for Hamas who began launching Qassam rockets over the border into Israel. I don't really understand what you think Israel should have done, should they have sat on their hands hoping that if they cowered in their homes that the attacks would stop? It doesn't make sense, what would you do if someone started shooting at say your kids? Would you go hide in a closet hoping that it would all just go away? Besides this Israel has been attacked many times before and Israel gives in to the demands of the other people, THEY bend to make the other person happy. Well finally Israel is standing up for themselves and as soon as they do everyone gets upset and calls them TERROISTS! That doesn't make sense, why are those who defend themselves the terrorists? It's like the kid on the play ground being bullied finally throwing a punch and being suspended while the bully goes to therapy-use your common sense!
I hope this wasn’t too hard to read, the person I’m arguing with doesn’t speak too clearly…anyway let’s look at another issue.
In Closing: Well this wasn’t a total failure as far as an issue and idea goes…you at least get to see what a couple other people think…including someone who thinks very contrary to how I do. But once again I am late because I forgot to post this last night…to which I again apologize for my severe lacking in long-term attention span. Anyway I hope that we could still enjoy this issue despite the obvious failures in it. Thanks everyone!
1 comment:
Can you please edit this post and remove my full name from it. I am the person who answered that he was a libertarian.
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