Powers on Politics
Hi Everyone: Whaz Up? I decided after finishing the last issue that despite all of my other political thoughts and things I wanted to focus on it would be wrong of me not to immediately address John McCain’s positions on the issues. Though it pains me greatly not to be able to just move on and rid myself of having to think of how badly I don’t want to vote for either candidate, I suppose I started something so I might as well finish it.
Because of that we are going to be talking strictly about John McCain. We will cover-in the same order-all of the things that we covered with Obama including the his position on illegal immigration. Just so everyone knows I already know that I’m a racist hate-mongering bigot who clings to my guns (though I sadly admit that I don’t actually have one…my dad has a bunch though maybe I can take out a loan on one), and God (true-dat!) with the strict agenda of spreading hatred to everyone who reads my little newsletter. I know. I think I just proved it. Now that that is out of the way shall we get down to business?
McCain Taxes: McCain is a little more reliable in comparison to Obama when it comes to taxes. He believes that the tax rates need to be kept low, just as Bush did when he entered into office. To do this he will keep the top tax rate down at 35%, and then maintain the 15% tax rate on “dividends and capital gains”. While he does this he will attempt to completely remove the Alternative Minimum-Tax. He seems to realize that higher taxes on businesses will in turn translate to less taxing on the workers and on the buyers. Next he wants to further drop the corporate tax rate (a tax on the earnings of corporations). McCain wants to create the opportunity for American workers to produce products and have them sold overseas.
McCain also believes that to achieve the ability for our workers to be able to compete with their products across the globe they will need the finest in technology. Now I don’t mean to be a party-pooper (as it were) but I have a bit of a problem here. Where does McCain believe this money is coming from? I mean…seriously we are OUT OF MONEY!!!! I would love for us to have the best of the best, but we can’t exactly hope for them…you remember Hope for Change…just so you know McCain that never get’s you anything. Talk to Obama.
Next he hopes to establish a tax credit that will equal 10% of the wages created from research and development. “A permanent credit will provide an incentive to innovate and remove uncertainty. At a time when our companies need to be more competitive, we need to provide a permanent incentive to innovate, and remove the uncertainty now hanging over businesses as they make R&D investment decisions.” Is the direct quote from his site.
He also has a plan for the internet, sort of weird in my humble opinion, but he wishes to abolish all internet tax. He believes that this will encourage “economic growth and posterity”. I don’t really see where this will change anything, actually it sounds like some empty words to me, but you know…whatever. Then along this same line of thought he wants to take away all New Cell Phone taxes in the understanding that the companies that will tax al e-mails will most likely tax every text message including as he says “911 calls”. I suppose that this is okay…but again it seems like a fairly empty promise, I mean…who cares?
Homeownership: John McCain seems to understand this as little as Obama does. First he wants to make it possible for everyone to remain in their homes no matter if they cannot pay for the mortgages or not. McCain will solve that little problem without hesitation with his McCain Resurgence Plan. This plan will make it possible for those who can’t make their payments on their house to have it re-structured so that they can begin making more manageable payments now. But in order to accomplish this he wishes to BUY mortgages from “homeowners and mortgage services”. What? To me that seems like a step in the wrong direction. That is increasing the size of government and putting it right into the mortgages now! We don’t want the government in to our homes! What is McCain thinking, this is a very wrong turn to take. Beside that, why should those individuals who bought way out of their means (oh that’s right, banks told them they could-learn to use a calculator people!) be able to continue to be rewarded for being stupid? No, they should be kicked out of their house, and then they can be introduced to a rental house. Renting isn’t that bad, it’s something that happens. Let’s learn from our mistakes, get into a rental, and work until you can afford a house for yourself. Seems like the right thing to do to me.
Education: Now I think this might be something that I can agree with McCain on (shocking as that is). He believes that schools need to be available for parents to CHOOSE where their child gets their education. Each school must prove that it is capable of teaching the children who attend well, and report to the community the progress being made. McCain believes that a student should have access to all schools of “demonstrated excellence, including their own homes”. He also believes that schools should “ compete to be the most innovative, flexible and student-centered - not safe havens for the uninspired and unaccountable.” This doesn’t just include schools, but also the teachers in each school, and he believes that teachers who do their job well should be rewarded for doing so, and if the schools will not change a student should be able to change schools always seeking a better education. Basically if the parent isn’t pleased with what is being taught in the classroom then the parent can easily choose to change which school their child is to attend without the constraints of location.
In the case of Higher education McCain wants to make grants, and other financial aid easier to understand so that more families that qualify for assistance know that they can get it. He also wants to reform the private student lending programs so that they are “simpler and more effective.”
The War: McCain believes that it is immoral for us to leave before the Iraq government is capable of sustaining itself and safeguarding its people. McCain also believes that the US needs to support Iraq in the upcoming elections within its government by ensuring that American troops with the help of brave Iraqis with as much freedom and security as possible. Another way to keep Iraq moving forward is to ensure that it can sustain its economy. McCain believes that if a portion of the budget surplus is used it can be implemented in the hiring of citizens in infrastructure projects.
McCain also believes that the truth needs to be known to the American people. “I know the pain war causes. I understand the frustration caused by our mistakes in this war. And I regret sincerely the additional sacrifices imposed on the brave Americans who defend us. But I also know the toll a lost war takes on an army and on our country's security. By giving General Petraeus and the men and women he has the honor to command the time and support necessary to succeed in Iraq we have before us a hard road. But it is the right road. It is necessary and just. Those who disregard the unmistakable progress we have made in the last year and the terrible consequences that would ensue were we to abandon our responsibilities in Iraq have chosen another road. It may appear to be the easier course of action, but it is a much more reckless one, and it does them no credit even if it gives them an advantage in the next election.” –John McCain
Here’s the truth of the matter, McCain just got to it. He’s right, war sucks, it isn’t fun. We didn’t start it though, we weren’t the ones who just randomly decided to jump into a war, it was brought upon us. Those smear the efforts of our troops that are fighting for us should be ashamed of themselves. Freedom isn’t free, people, I learned that in a song I sang in the fourth grade. We need to finish what we started otherwise we cannot morally continue to have our men and women fight when there is no one behind them cheering them on.
Immigration: For everyone who has been terribly disappointed in me throughout this issue, due to the fact that so far I haven’t had much to say-I’m sorry. Whilst I don’t agree with McCain on much the topics that were covered with Obama, I mostly agree with McCain on. I gave you the facts, with a little bit of my own opinion thrown in…sorry that it wasn’t full of all-caps words and the like, but lucky for you I don’t agree with McCain on Immigration at all…so it shouldn’t take me very long before I’m back to my normal self again.
Here are McCain’s steps to Border Security:
Setting clear guidelines and objectives for securing the border through physical and virtual barriers.
Ensuring that adequate funding is provided for resources on the ground, but also training facilities, support staff and the deployment of technologies.
Dedicating funding to US Attorney’s offices in border states.
Implementing sound policies for contracting Department of Homeland Security software and infrastructure.
Deploy Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and other aircraft where needed and appropriate in the border region.
Alright so here’s what I think. Most of what I just read was empty junk that should already be being done. Its nothing but a bunch of “No DUH!” stuff that really only makes me roll my eyes. He is saying what should be done, but what I don’t hear much of is HOW it will be done. It’s like when my little brothers ask me for something they like to use the word “want” for instance “I want a piece of bread please!” That’s nice, I want a piece of bread too, but that isn’t really asking. That’s stating that you desire something. I desire secure borders McCain, but you aren’t telling me how you are going to do it, you are just saying that we should.
Next McCain wants to implement an interactive system in each and every workplace that should verify the documents a worker submits to the employer to assure them that they are a citizen. This system will filter through Homeland Security and should protect employees from having things done to their information. To me this seems like an extravagant waste of time and money. One how much does this thing cost, two you want to put it in EVERY business? Three why don’t we go about this my way? I think we should fine businesses that are willing to employ illegal workers. Or at least start with a sufficient fine, if they don’t cut the crap then the employer can just go to jail, some good prison time should cure businesses of wanting to allow illegal immigrants to work for them. “Oh but Chene’ illegal’s are doing work that Americans just won’t do!” (Yeah that’s right I’m covering the entire topic and all it’s branches in this piece) I’m calling a big BS on that statement. Illegal immigrants are willing to do jobs for LESS than what Americans will work for. You want to know why, because they are just trying to survive over here without getting caught and employers are more than willing to play this game. They get the same amount of work for less money, to them it’s a win win situation. McCain doesn’t seem to understand this because he wants to implement a temporary worker program that will “reflect the US in both high and low skilled sectors” all this while he somehow protects the employment opportunities for our own citizens. To ensure this he is going to do a lot about green cards, and ensuring that the influx of immigrants matches the jobs needed, and again he won’t short-change our own workers here in the US. Somehow I’m not feeling overly confident in this, especially because if we’re letting in a constant flow of immigrants who do we not allow them to get into the jobs that Americans are trying to get into at the same time. I can’t see the regulations that will prevent this.
The next step to his great plan is making all illegal immigrants legal by making them learn English, pass the citizenship test, pay back taxes and fines, and make them wait in the back of the line after all of those who have come here legally. Alright I’m not totally against this part…just some evil part of me keeps jumping up and down yelling “deport them, deport them!” I am well aware that it would be impossible to shove all of the illegal immigrants into a giant truck and ship them back over the border, but there’s just no way you can FORCE people to do all of those things listed above without locating them all first, and then having a constant supervision over them. I would be fine with shoving them to the back of the line, if they really want to be here for good then they won’t mind it too much either. The learning English thing makes me smile a little on the inside, though, I can’t be against forcing our language on someone who wants to enter the country. McCain also thinks that he will be able to find all of the criminals that are sneaking across the border, fix the social security number mess that they’ve created by stealing or making up their own identities, but I don’t think that’s entirely plausible. I’m sure there are at least a few of these people who’ve come across that aren’t stupid enough to get caught. And finally McCain wants to reunite families. So everyone and their uncle are welcome to come on over…we’re going to be Mexican in a month (I’m sorry was that racist?).
Now That That’s Over: This wasn’t pleasant people. This wasn’t a happy stroll through the posies, this sucked. Neither of these candidates are offering much-if anything-that I want. We are going to be in trouble one way or another, everyone, but I think that depending on who gets in we’ll be in trouble faster than if we elect the other. I hope this has at least helped a little in showing you who your candidates are. Sorry McCain’s is so short, again it’s because 1-the man isn’t big on details, 2-I’m having to filter what little he has, and 3-I don’t have much to say, just a lot to shake my head over. Please don’t mistake it for being partisan, I really don’t care I’m just trying to get the facts out directly from both websites.
Next time we will get back to the issues. I’m not sure which ones, I think we’ll talk about Unions somewhere because I want to learn about them. Then-who knows-maybe someone will send me an idea about something and I’ll write about it. Until then y’all this is Powers on Politics and I’m outta here!
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