Greetings: Hi everyone, it’s a new week with a bunch of new stuff to report. I’m going to try and make this an all Obama issue so that you can better get to know our Democratic Presidential candidate. Not to worry, we’ll be checking out McCain with equal depth next week-I aim to be totally fair. So I encourage you to send this to all of your friends who are going to vote for him, because I think this might change some minds. In this issue we will be examining-from his own Blueprint For Change off of his own website-what exactly he wants to do to this country, and why. I hope that the next two issues will be informative and give you some extra information on the candidates we are about to elect. Enjoy.
Obama Tax: Often a very important portion of voting for a candidate for any major office is where they stand on taxes. Bush wanted tax cuts, and implemented them drastically lowering the tax rate for all Americans including big business. The cut for the big businesses (according to Obama) was 160 times greater than that of the regular folk-you know you and me. This as far as all the economics that I know is actually a really good thing. Because according to the trickle-down theory when businesses get cuts then the money saved by them means they don’t have to charge the consumer extra for products and the prices are lowered. Obama sees this a little differently. According to his Blueprint he will raise taxes on big business as well as individuals making over $250,000 dollars a year…strangely enough that is a rather large chunk of Americans. He claims that up to 95% of Americans are below that $250,000 line, but in reality there’s a much greater portion of us sitting right above it.
What he likes to maintain, however, is that just big businesses are going to be taxed until they cannot see straight. The only problem is that many small businesses also make up to that much money a year, all of those Mom-and Pop businesses that inhabit American towns all across this country. Now I don’t know about you but for those of us who are sitting beneath this line on the American Dream (that’s right Obama is for the American Dream up to a certain dollar total-those of you who are there…he says screw you!) does that motivate us to continue to try and better ourselves? Does this make you want to go out and try to work to get a better income when you are promised by Barack Obama that you will get taxed harder than everyone beneath you once you get there. Yeah, I’d love that!
Whatsmore is the naivety that those companies and businesses who get taxed are going to throw up the white flag and willingly just take the tax like beaten dogs is preposterous. Guess what everyone businesses have to make a profit-you know so they can pay for their products and loans, and other necessities if they can’t turn a profit? They can’t! These companies and businesses are going to turn around and raise prices on their products, or basically they are going to stick it to us. We will be paying that tax, not them, we will be doing it. Trust me even you under achievers won’t be off the hook because these businesses aren’t about to go down without a fight. Think about what Obama is trying to get by you, then look at it from a logical standpoint. Remember if it sounds too good to be true-it is.
Obama Free Mortgage: Straight news from Obama’s Blueprint For Change is his mortgage plans. Before we begin I just want everyone to know I have just begun wrapping duct tape around my head. Alright to continue…: First thing that Obama wants to do is create a Universal Mortgage Credit (are you pulling out your duct tape too?). You know what I’m just going to give you the direct thing…it might better impact you…so straight out of his Blueprint here’s what Obama wants to do:
Create a Universal Mortgage Credit: Obama will create a 10 percent universal mortgage credit to provide
tax relief to homeowners who do not itemize. This credit will provide an average of $500 to 10 million
homeowners, the majority of whom earn less than $50,000 per year.
So basically it seems to me that for those individuals who should have been responsible in listing all the deductibles in their income and didn’t are going to get some mortgage credit that will allow them to dig into a HUGE chunk of money so that they can receive money. Uh…NO! Because guess who is going to be paying for this-it won’t be Obama! It will be us, the people, we responsible Americans that did what we had to by playing by the rules! But wait there’s more…. He’s going to go ahead and put even MORE pressure on subprime mortgage lenders who-if you will reminisce with me for but a moment-were a HUGE cause of the economic crisis we are currently going through! Why would we further pressure these people when doing that made it possible for up to 5 million illegal immigrants to get homes without ID or proof of income! The entire reason these banks were shoving out loans for subprime mortgages is because they were told that if they don’t they were racist and were going to be run out of town! He’ll do this by putting up a STOP FRAUD Act, don’t trust this people, he’s doing this so that more of what killed us in the first place can further shove us into debt.
Next Obama is out to prevent all foreclosures blaming it completely on the banks. He will create a fund that will “help people refinance their mortgages” and SOME of this fund will be payed for by those evil banks and lending companies that were mentioned earlier. Nice, I like this, you know if you were dumb and got into a house you can’t pay for and end up having to foreclose-oh wait you won’t have to-you get to dig into a fund that will save you from yourself. Brought to you by the responsible taxpayers of America…do I sense a pattern here?
Finally I must quote this final BIG idea that Obama wishes to implement as far as mortgages go:
Close Bankruptcy Loophole for Mortgage Companies: Obama will work to eliminate the provision that
prevents bankruptcy courts from modifying an individual’s mortgage payments. Obama believes that the
subprime mortgage industry, which has engaged in dangerous and sometimes unscrupulous business practices,
should not be shielded by outdated federal law.
Oh…was that my brain exploding or yours?
Retirement: Moving right along everyone we go to something that will really make you feel good about yourself. Obama is all about Retirement for everyone. I know that everyone wants retirement as well, I’m not exactly pulling down that and Social Security (which is a HUGE mess in itself), but what is really bothering me is what just happened in the Bill that was passed that was meant to save the economy. I am sure that I mentioned this last time, but if not let me remind you. In the bill that was passed there was legislation allowing the Secretary of Treasury to put his hands all in Retirement and Social Security and pull out money whenever and for whatever he wants…oh and as a total unrelated note Barack Obama voted to PASS this bill…okay that’s all I wanted to say. Getting into the meat of this.
First of all (on Social Security) Obama is completely against privatizing Social Security, I mean who isn’t? I certainly don’t want someone other than the government doing capitalism with something so important. Instead Obama wants to keep this in the government (we all know how well that always turns out) noting that the current $97,500 that a worker makes is not effective. He wants to raise the “maximum amount of earnings covered by Social Security”. He’ll do this through Congress, of course, so that the American people can choose between payroll tax reform packages that should keep Social Security good for-oh not forever-but at least a half century. I’m so relieved, we’ll be fine for another fifty years if he’s elected, then we’ll have to do this all over again! You are welcome future generations.
Here’s what he says about retirement-yeah we’re going straight from the horse’s proverbial mouth again:
Reform Corporate Bankruptcy Laws to Protect Workers and Retirees: Current bankruptcy laws protect
banks before workers. Obama will protect pensions by putting promises to workers higher on the list of
debts that companies cannot shed; ensuring that the bankruptcy courts do not demand more sacrifice from
workers than executives; telling companies that they cannot issue executive bonuses while cutting worker
pensions; increasing the amount of unpaid wages and benefits workers can claim in court; and limiting the
circumstances under which retiree benefits can be reduced.
Again we are just going ahead and protecting those workers who have greater debts and credit problems instead of making sure that those who lived the right way are taken care of. We wouldn’t want to punish people for their bad choices, that would make them responsible! People I don’t know if I can keep this insanity up!
Next we’ve got another one of Obama’s American Dream’s to a point. Obama wishes to eliminate income tax on seniors making less than $50,000. If you make 50,000 dollars…I guess it will suck to be you. Let’s go ahead and again note that no one is going to want to continue to improve so that they can retire with more than $50 thousand if they are promised something more than what those who don’t receive.
Yet if this all made you cringe or want to empty your stomach than this should put a nice warm fuzzy feeling in your heart. Obama is going to protect seniors from age discrimination. Hallelujah! Praise the One on high! It’s what we’ve all been waiting for!
What Obama Sees in the Schools: The song “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” comes to mind when I read this portion of his Blueprint that focuses on free college. I mean, seriously who wouldn’t want to go to college for free when they stare at the insane costs of getting into these institutions? I know, it makes my mouth water just thinking about it. Yet there’s just one little problem that I see in all of this. Personally I could never accept free college from any government institution because I too firmly believe that there is no way to respect the education and privileges that you receive if you don’t work for them. If just anyone can get into college then colleges won’t be producing elite students, they will be producing no better than what High schools are producing right now. Not only that but if it’s free the college professors can kiss their salaries goodbye. Besides this I don’t believe that it is right for the taxpayers of America to be stuck paying for my education. I am more than capable of working for my education and any one who believes that they have the right to freely receive a college education are nothing but socialists. Work for what you want so that you might find greater respect for the things you are capable of achieving.
Moving backwards to younger school age children Obama believes that Bush’s No Child Left Behind Act is a good idea, but he thinks that it utterly failed. Though it makes me feel so dirty I may leave for a time to go shower, I actually agree with Obama in a small, small way. I agree that the No Child Left Behind Act is a sad failure but not for the same reasons that Obama does. I see it as a failure because the tests that are implemented in order for students to move on are so important that teachers are no longer teaching students the subjects, but rather how to pass the questions presented on a subject within the test. How are students expected to compete in a world of students trained hard in so many fields of study when they aren’t studying the subjects but the test. It doesn’t even make sense!
Obama doesn’t stop here, however, he goes even far enough to start targeting children from the ages zero to five years. Before I tell you what he’s suggesting here let me get this out…WHY ARE WE EVEN SUGGESTING EDUCATING A CHILD WHO HASN’T EVEN REACHED THEIR FIRST YEAR! Granted a child can learn within their first year, but that’s not what I’m talking about, what I’m trying to say is where do we get off trying to move such young kids out into schools or programs? Keep your kids at home people, you are a MUCH better teacher than any hired individual! Returning to what Obama wants to do for these extremely young children is give them universal pre-school. He’ll set up Zero to Five grants to the toddlers and their parents so that the parents can send their kids off to some school for free. Of course it’s voluntary-like that will last when you get quotes like “I will force you to participate in your country”, that’s right if you get Obama you’ll be FORCED to participate in schools, colleges, all sorts of things that you would much rather do voluntarily. I can’t wait can you?
The War in Iraq: Perhaps one of the most important parts of the race for presidency is the War. Here’s what Obama says about that.
Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades
each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that
we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq. He will keep some troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and
diplomats; if al Qaeda attempts to build a base within Iraq, he will keep troops in Iraq or elsewhere in the
region to carry out targeted strikes on al Qaeda.
Now for those who have been paying attention to even half of what Obama has been saying lately this should really hit a nerve. Obama has recently said that he won’t be dropping out of the war as fast as he can. However, according to his Blueprint I think he may be lying to us. That’s right I called him out, I called him a liar! If you all don’t like it you all can deal with it. I’m sick of listening to people tip-toeing around it, especially McCain! He is disappointing me and seriously upsetting me right now, so because he won’t call Obama out on his lies I‘ll do it for him. Obama you are a bloody liar! Figure this out Obama, we aren’t stupid we know that you don’t plan on staying for long no matter how much you deny it. Oh, but wait, I’m just kidding. What I just said totally disregard it. Because he then mentions at the end of his “I will immediately withdraw troops” spiel goes on and says “except if there’s this, this, and this” I’m sorry I thought he was a liar. I was wrong-that’s right I know how to admit I’m wrong-he’s not a liar he’s stupid. You can’t do two at once there buddy, because the whole reason we’re sitting over there right now is because we’re fighting Al Qaeda and other such terrorist organizations. Let me get this straight you’ll pull out, but if there’s terrorists there you’ll keep troops there to take care of it…riiiiiight (sorry Mr. Glenn Beck, I keep stealing your line but it works so well! If you ever read this…don’t’ sue me-PLEASE!)
You know what-sorry to everyone who does read this-I need to get this totally off my chest so I’m just going to go ahead and rant for a while. Obama you are so ignorant about goings on in the Middle East you wish to meet with people like the dictator in Iran without preconditions! What the heck are you thinking? Oh wait that’s right it’s no big deal because Iran is “a tiny country” we don’t need to worry about them building up nuclear weapons or anything, and definitely their ties to Russia and Venezuela are no big deal either.. Stupid-I’m just going to say it the man is just…he’s got nothing between those ears if he thinks we are going to sit there cross eyed and drooling nodding our heads like zombies saying “yes Obama, whatever you say Obama” to be absolutely frank-MY FUZZY WHITE BUTT-you won’t see me doing that, and I know that there are a whole chunk of Americans who are smart enough to see how naïve and ignorant you are. I’m sorry everyone (again who is actually reading this) but the man is killing me. I’m Mormon, I’m eighteen, I live in Utah, and he’s making me feel like taking up drinking. Maybe becoming an alcoholic will take the edge off of the fact that we are even CONSIDERING this guy let alone having him so close to being the actual PRESIDENT!
To continue I’m reading through this freakin’ Blueprint and I have just come across a line I have heard Obama use before. “Obama is the only major candidate who had the judgment to oppose the Iraq War from the beginning.”
Excuse me? What? I believe my “he thinks we’re stupid” senses are tingling. The only MAJOR candidate? Uh…Obama I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you weren’t even in the SENATE let alone a major office when that vote took place! How can you possibly maintain that? Major my (I should really come up with a better saying but I so like this one) FUZZY WHITE BUTT! (Does that make anyone else giggle or am I just grossing you people out? I mean I could try to make it sound better by like saying “okay my butt isn’t fuzzy” but I think that may be going too far…what do you think?) Anyway getting away from my butt…the man doesn’t seem to realize that there is such thing as the INTERNET! Wow, if people want to see what he actually voted for in the Senate, or even WHEN he was actually in the Senate they can! Sir, you were nowhere near the senate when that vote took place so you just shut-up. But wait there’s more. I’m continuing to read and I have found this: Obama will turn the page on the Bush-Cheney diplomacy of not talking to countries that we don’t like.
I don’t think anyone realizes quite how much duct tape I have applied to my head right now. Let’s just say I have had to poke holes for my eyes, nostrils, and mouth…I’m still considering my ears…do I want to ever hear Obama talk again (or McCain for that matter) and therefore sacrifice hearing my favorite radio talk show hosts…or can I just give it all up? I’ll get back to you.
Now Obama let me get this straight, you say that under the Bush-Cheney policies we didn’t have little chats with countries we didn’t like? I mean that is your quote is it not? I’d like to take this chance to point out one flaw in your lie (other than the obvious fact that it’s a lie). Bush has been quoted as saying something to the effect of after looking into Vladimir Putin’s eyes he didn’t see any evil. Uh…well last time I checked the U.S has been very tentative in it’s relationship with Russia. We aren’t by any means what I’d call friends. We might invite them over to BBQ but that doesn’t mean we trust them not to stab us in the back with the fork. We have also been over to North Korea, another one of those countries that I KNOW doesn’t like us. They have shut us out of their country for criminey’s sake! You listening to the reports about their nuclear programs Obama? Oh right, they’re closed they haven’t been doing anything. Yeah shooting off a missile heading in our direction that landed in the Pacific wasn’t anything that would suggest we weren’t great buddies! You know my dad has a question for us kids when we say something a little wacky, he likes to ask “what color is the sky in your world” well Obama now that I’ve called you a liar I’d like to ask “what color is the sky in YOUR world?” I mean really, no seriously tell me, I’m so confused as to how you could possibly think the way you do it makes me dizzy just trying to muddle it out. Just enlighten me-I dare you.
I need to stop here on this particular topic, there’s a lot more but I think it would be of greater worth if I sent you this PDF file. It’ll be sent in the e-mails (or at least the link to it) and linked on the blog. I beg of you to read this yourself it’s important that you actually see these things with your own eyes.
Just a Few Things: I have no intention of saying that Obama is not a patriot or that he hates America. What I am going to bring to light are some other things that he’s said in speeches about America. I nearly left this issue without mentioning this because I was tired, as you’ll note in a “Next Time” column that precedes this one. Yet as I sit here going over all of this I feel it is my responsibility to at least let you hear what your Democratic candidate for President has to say about this country. Some people might think that catching a man at his word is not important, but I strongly believe that you hear what an individual truly thinks when they don’t believe you are paying attention. I’m paying attention, and I am certain that you are as well. Just in case you missed it, however, here are some quotes from Obama’s speeches.
“I know my country has not perfected itself. At times, we've struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people. We've made our share of mistakes, and there are times when our actions around the world have not lived up to our best intentions.”
This is the first quote from Obama’s speech in Berlin. I can only say that he is correct in one tiny aspect of this statement. We are not perfect. That’s true, but we have done everything including shed the blood of our own people to ensure the promise of liberty and equality. The country has not struggled with that. People in the country have struggled with that. As for our actions around the world, our intentions have always come at a price. We strive to free people from destructive tyranny, and when we do it we do it with everything we have. If that isn’t something that Obama sees as living up to our best intentions then I don’t think he knows much about what we do as a country for others around the world.
“You said that we were going to be greeted as liberators. You were wrong.”
This was a response to something that McCain said about the war in Iraq. The quote itself is from the first Presidential debate. You know what Obama is wrong. This country “we” were greeted as liberators by the people of Afghanistan. You hear soldiers telling stories of children and people chasing their vehicles and shouting and waving happily as they pass through because the people know that we have come to get them out of the clutches of terrorist organizations. You know who didn’t greet us as liberators Barack? The terrorists themselves.
“So I would send two to three additional brigades to Afghanistan. Now, keep in mind that we have four times the number of troops in Iraq, where nobody had anything to do with 9/11 before we went in, where, in fact, there was no al Qaeda before we went in, but we have four times more troops there than we do in Afghanistan.
Sneaky. Look how he just shoved that in there. Right into the sentence structure so that unless you are paying attention you would never catch it. Like I said you can tell what a person really thinks about something when they don’t believe you can hear them say it. Alright so Obama what you’re saying is that BECAUSE of us-the US-terrorists went into Iraq. We brought the battle to ourselves, that it’s our fault? Correct me if I’m wrong anyone, please, I would love to think that the man didn’t actually say this, but it seems fairly obvious to me that he believes that it’s OUR fault that we are fighting in Iraq. That we are the ones who brought terrorism there. Just brood on that while I find the next quote. (We’re still in the 1st debate-just so you know).
“I believe, engage in tough direct diplomacy with Iran and this is a major difference I have with Senator McCain, this notion by not talking to people we are punishing them has not worked. It has not worked in Iran, it has not worked in North Korea. In each instance, our efforts of isolation have actually accelerated their efforts to get nuclear weapons. That will change when I'm president of the United States.”
Let me see if I can wrap my brain around this one. Because the United States has decided that it will NOT do business with countries like Iran and North Korea who seriously don’t like us in the first place, and are terrible dictatorships we have caused them to accelerate their nuclear programs. It’s OUR fault that they are producing nuclear weapons? I really hope that I’m not the only one who catches these during the debates, because if I am I fear we are going to have Obama as the President come January. To finish this little piece off I have given you what-four-instances where Barack Obama talked the United States down. Is that the kind of President you want? A guy who can accuse your country of things like bringing terrorists into a country or causing a different country to start arming themselves with nuclear weapons? I don’t what about you?
To Conclude: Initially I was going to go into all of the things about Obama and William Ayers (yes I have officially learned how to spell his name), Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and some of his other acquaintances and friends of choice. What I have realized is that I’m sure you probably already know all about this, that you’ve heard the recordings of Obama’s reverend of 20 years yelling terrible things about America, or that Ayers who is now an English professor in a Chicago University (forgive me for not really caring what the title of the college is) once blew up a portion of the pentagon and has encouraged teenagers to “rise up and kill their parents”. If you haven’t heard any of this and think that it would in fact be a good idea for me to delve into this whole mess then you can tell me yourself through comments, e-mails, or even on the telephone. But for now I will allow this issue to draw near its conclusion with Obama’s stance on some key issues alone.
Next Time: As I mentioned at the beginning of this issue the next issue will focus solely on John McCain where I will dig into his own views on the key issues. I will look into the same ones we have discussed here as well as-I’m sure-others that have caught my eye. For those who are now thinking that I’m a racist because I don’t agree with Obama and certainly don’t want to bow down and praise him as the Messiah I would prefer it if you would grow up. I don’t agree with McCain about hardly anything, in fact in the next issue I personally promise to disagree with him at least ninety percent of the time. At LEAST. Plus I’ll cover where he stands on illegal immigration…oh I’ll rip someone’s head off when we get there let me tell you. McCain Kennedy legislature from a while back…oh that ticked me off. So prepare to indulge in some equal treatment for the two of them, and I hope that you enjoy every minute of it.
Alright well it’s what 11:12pm on Saturday and I must be getting up early in the morning to get ready for church and then re-go-over the lesson for my Sunbeams, therefore I am going to bed. Hope you had fun reading. Or at least learned something.
p.s-all duct tape credit goes to Glenn Beck…he’s constantly encouraging it’s use. I’m just constantly using.
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