Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!: I am going to start off by apologizing to everyone that this hasn’t come out earlier, I’ve been extremely distracted and I promise that it won’t happen again. As of next week I will be on schedule-though I cannot guarantee that my stories won’t be totally obscure since there’s next to no good news going on.
Second I want to wish everyone an albeit late but very Merry Christmas, and I hope everyone spent some good quality time with their family. Then I want to say Happy New Year!
Third I want everyone to know that I’m changing location from Gunlock to Roy Utah where I’m going to be living with my mom again. I’m currently (at the age of eighteen) preparing to get my license, and then my first job! I’m very excited about that, I’ll finally be a worth while part of society! Then once I’ve got enough money earned up I’ll get an apartment and put myself through college-let’s just call it my New Year’s Resolution.
Fourth I hope that we have some fun this year, and that despite my air-headedness this little newsletter keeps it’s feet and that I do it for a long time to come because I love being able to express my opinions and have at least someone out there hear them.
Fifth…I had a fifth…I don’t know where it went…Oh! Obama, a big congratulations to Obama who will be inaugurated this coming month. Good luck to him, and let’s be ready to stand up when he needs us-so long as we never lose our values in doing so.
That about sums it up for my little greeting, so let’s get up and running for this-the twelfth-issue of Powers on Politics!
Now Isn’t That Special: In search of news to discuss here I went to Fox.com hoping for something that I could sort of get started with. Well I believe I’ve found just the thing-and it’s even Christmas related!
On of the Top Stories on Fox is entitled: Hot-Dog Eating Champ Falls Short of Fruitcake Record. Then it has a picture of this guy Takeru Kobayashi stuffing his face with fruitcake. Poor guy was off to the races to break a 2001 world record in fruitcake eating by having to consume 4lbs 10ounces of the dreaded stuff in only ten minutes. Unfortunately the little Japanese guy finished at a whole two ounces short of the intended goal. Apparently density was a factor. Now I personally have never tried fruitcake (which doesn’t mean you need to send me some) but I have seen it and I know that if you throw it at someone you could probably kill them. With that limited information I would like to tell Mr. Kobayashi this-of COURSE density is going to be a problem! Your insides are probably going to be turned to stone! Stick to the hot-dogs, sir, but just don’t ask what’s in them. (There’s a mistake I won’t ever make again!).
To finish this story off I’d just like you to know that I am the one who brings you the best of the news…without a doubt you could not have gone on living without hearing this story.
In Case You’re Freaking Out: Alright I just received an e-mail at yahoo from my grandmother. I could have sworn someone was going to go into conniptions. I opened it and found myself quickly outraged. The e-mail explained that the new One Dollar coin that was just released has had the words “In God We Trust” scrapped from it completely. It was urging everyone to refuse these coins if they were given to you (I’d refuse them because they were stupid) so I looked into the matter. I Googled it and found that there were plenty of news stories saying the same thing, so I went to my mom. I told her what I had heard and she brought out the coin and took a good look at it.
After a thorough inspection of the coin she noticed engravings along the edge of the coin on the side. There it was, “In God We Trust” sitting close to “E Pluribus Unim”. Needless to say we were both relieved.
So for those of you who have either heard rumor of this, received a similar e-mail, or could possibly get this information from someone else. No, the phrase is not wiped from the coin just moved. I’m sure it has to do with a lack of room on the coin, so they just put it where it was less noticeable because of the lack of space. No need to get your “unders in a bunch” as my mom would say.
I hope you will all send this along to everyone, if anyone, you know who is freaking out about this so that the issue can be immediately cleared up and erased from the public’s mind.
Besides Obama isn’t in Office yet-we aren’t Socialist yet either. Just getting close.
Rush Strikes Again: Oh my gosh. I don’t know if anyone else is going to find this headline funny, but those who are listeners to Rush Limbaugh will like this story.
“An offensive, racially tinged song entitled Barack the Magic Negro has become an issue in the battle for the leadership of the Republican party.”
For those who don’t know this song is a spoof by a man named Paul Shanklin (hope I spelled that right) who does political farce songs that are aimed to entertain. However it seems to get some people worked up. What happened in this case was that a republican that was higher up in the party sent Shanklin’s new CD entitled “I Hate the USA” to his buddies as a joke. I’m sure some of them appreciated the joke, and enjoyed the CD but others of the Republican party got all uppity about it. “It isn’t funny,” quoted one of them. He was extremely offended apparently and thought that making fun of Obama was wrong.
Lighten up people! It’s a joke, it is meant as a joke, Rush is always repeating that it’s a joke, that the whole point is to invoke laughter. Why do we have to be so politically-freakin’-correct? It isn’t necessary, and it’s ridiculii (doubly ridiculous)! Listen here’s the deal. Barack Obama is not even black, he’s of Arabic decent. And as for the fact that the title of the song has the word “negro” in it, they aren’t being rude, crude, or otherwise so let’s just let it go.
Besides people are going to say things that not everyone want to hear, and let’s all (instead of getting all upset) just smile and understand the joke. We should all be dealing with each other better than that.
Besides “Barack the Magic Negro” is a HILARIOUS song-one of my favorites!
Lame: Can I just be honest…I know this issue was kinda lame…but there’s been a VERY slow news day! I swear I will come up with something for next time. This was just sort of the…random fun issue. Right? Did anyone else have fun? I did. That makes at least one of us, huh. Well in any case I swear I’ll get something nice and meaty for next time. Just bear with me people! Thanks a ton, keep reading, and have a great New Year!
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