Monday, December 29, 2008
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!: I am going to start off by apologizing to everyone that this hasn’t come out earlier, I’ve been extremely distracted and I promise that it won’t happen again. As of next week I will be on schedule-though I cannot guarantee that my stories won’t be totally obscure since there’s next to no good news going on.
Second I want to wish everyone an albeit late but very Merry Christmas, and I hope everyone spent some good quality time with their family. Then I want to say Happy New Year!
Third I want everyone to know that I’m changing location from Gunlock to Roy Utah where I’m going to be living with my mom again. I’m currently (at the age of eighteen) preparing to get my license, and then my first job! I’m very excited about that, I’ll finally be a worth while part of society! Then once I’ve got enough money earned up I’ll get an apartment and put myself through college-let’s just call it my New Year’s Resolution.
Fourth I hope that we have some fun this year, and that despite my air-headedness this little newsletter keeps it’s feet and that I do it for a long time to come because I love being able to express my opinions and have at least someone out there hear them.
Fifth…I had a fifth…I don’t know where it went…Oh! Obama, a big congratulations to Obama who will be inaugurated this coming month. Good luck to him, and let’s be ready to stand up when he needs us-so long as we never lose our values in doing so.
That about sums it up for my little greeting, so let’s get up and running for this-the twelfth-issue of Powers on Politics!
Now Isn’t That Special: In search of news to discuss here I went to hoping for something that I could sort of get started with. Well I believe I’ve found just the thing-and it’s even Christmas related!
On of the Top Stories on Fox is entitled: Hot-Dog Eating Champ Falls Short of Fruitcake Record. Then it has a picture of this guy Takeru Kobayashi stuffing his face with fruitcake. Poor guy was off to the races to break a 2001 world record in fruitcake eating by having to consume 4lbs 10ounces of the dreaded stuff in only ten minutes. Unfortunately the little Japanese guy finished at a whole two ounces short of the intended goal. Apparently density was a factor. Now I personally have never tried fruitcake (which doesn’t mean you need to send me some) but I have seen it and I know that if you throw it at someone you could probably kill them. With that limited information I would like to tell Mr. Kobayashi this-of COURSE density is going to be a problem! Your insides are probably going to be turned to stone! Stick to the hot-dogs, sir, but just don’t ask what’s in them. (There’s a mistake I won’t ever make again!).
To finish this story off I’d just like you to know that I am the one who brings you the best of the news…without a doubt you could not have gone on living without hearing this story.
In Case You’re Freaking Out: Alright I just received an e-mail at yahoo from my grandmother. I could have sworn someone was going to go into conniptions. I opened it and found myself quickly outraged. The e-mail explained that the new One Dollar coin that was just released has had the words “In God We Trust” scrapped from it completely. It was urging everyone to refuse these coins if they were given to you (I’d refuse them because they were stupid) so I looked into the matter. I Googled it and found that there were plenty of news stories saying the same thing, so I went to my mom. I told her what I had heard and she brought out the coin and took a good look at it.
After a thorough inspection of the coin she noticed engravings along the edge of the coin on the side. There it was, “In God We Trust” sitting close to “E Pluribus Unim”. Needless to say we were both relieved.
So for those of you who have either heard rumor of this, received a similar e-mail, or could possibly get this information from someone else. No, the phrase is not wiped from the coin just moved. I’m sure it has to do with a lack of room on the coin, so they just put it where it was less noticeable because of the lack of space. No need to get your “unders in a bunch” as my mom would say.
I hope you will all send this along to everyone, if anyone, you know who is freaking out about this so that the issue can be immediately cleared up and erased from the public’s mind.
Besides Obama isn’t in Office yet-we aren’t Socialist yet either. Just getting close.
Rush Strikes Again: Oh my gosh. I don’t know if anyone else is going to find this headline funny, but those who are listeners to Rush Limbaugh will like this story.
“An offensive, racially tinged song entitled Barack the Magic Negro has become an issue in the battle for the leadership of the Republican party.”
For those who don’t know this song is a spoof by a man named Paul Shanklin (hope I spelled that right) who does political farce songs that are aimed to entertain. However it seems to get some people worked up. What happened in this case was that a republican that was higher up in the party sent Shanklin’s new CD entitled “I Hate the USA” to his buddies as a joke. I’m sure some of them appreciated the joke, and enjoyed the CD but others of the Republican party got all uppity about it. “It isn’t funny,” quoted one of them. He was extremely offended apparently and thought that making fun of Obama was wrong.
Lighten up people! It’s a joke, it is meant as a joke, Rush is always repeating that it’s a joke, that the whole point is to invoke laughter. Why do we have to be so politically-freakin’-correct? It isn’t necessary, and it’s ridiculii (doubly ridiculous)! Listen here’s the deal. Barack Obama is not even black, he’s of Arabic decent. And as for the fact that the title of the song has the word “negro” in it, they aren’t being rude, crude, or otherwise so let’s just let it go.
Besides people are going to say things that not everyone want to hear, and let’s all (instead of getting all upset) just smile and understand the joke. We should all be dealing with each other better than that.
Besides “Barack the Magic Negro” is a HILARIOUS song-one of my favorites!
Lame: Can I just be honest…I know this issue was kinda lame…but there’s been a VERY slow news day! I swear I will come up with something for next time. This was just sort of the…random fun issue. Right? Did anyone else have fun? I did. That makes at least one of us, huh. Well in any case I swear I’ll get something nice and meaty for next time. Just bear with me people! Thanks a ton, keep reading, and have a great New Year!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Powers on Politics Issue Eleven
Issue XI
There are things that I believe that I shall never say, but I shall never say those things that I do not believe.
Hello: Hi everyone, glad to be getting onto the next issue of Powers on Politics with a little bit of renewed vigor-well at least with some actual facts to base my rantings off of instead of going by pure memory-which I might add is kinda hard. Fun, but hard. This week I have no idea what I’m going to talk about so it will probably end up being anything that strikes my fancy-that’s a warning to everyone out there. I suppose that isn’t much different than what usually happens, but you know…I feel I should at least give everyone ample warning in case they decide they aren’t interested in randomness. Which leads me to also note that in the randomness we might be having another history lesson, I don’t know…haven’t decided at this point, but let’s put it as a definite probably. Any of you out there who are allergic to history (I actually think it was “against my religion” at some point…) may freely extract themselves from situation when it arises. Other than whatever I come up with to discuss I’ll also-as mentioned in the end of the last issue-be telling you about going to get my book signed by Glenn Beck. It was intense. That’s basically the jist of the situation then, I guess, so let’s all have a good time! Enjoy!
Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 (Dec. 7, 2008): Sixty seven years ago today Japanese fighter pilots attacked Pearl Harbor bringing the United States into World War II.
As has been the pattern with America entering wars we were attacked first, which left FDR with little choice but to enter the Second World War. Japan had been waging a war with China since 1937 and was running out of oil and other raw materials, and they were no longer getting them shipped in to them. Because of this Japan turned its attention to the oil and mineral-rich East Indies and Southeast Asia threatening to begin a war in the Pacific.
By November 1941 none of the U.S officials who knew that there were imminent attacks aimed by the Japanese at the Indies, Malaya, and even perhaps the Philippines had any idea that an attack would be launched on our own soil.
Pearl Harbor was easily reached by aircraft carrier force and it was this way that the Japanese Navy would attack. Unbeknownst to the U.S the Japanese had been secretly moving a carriers toward the base. At 8am on the 7th of December the base was attacked, and within just a short time five of eight battleships were sunk or sinking. Most everything on the base was destroyed including the lives of 2400 Americans and not long afterward Japanese planes eliminated most of the American air force in the Philippines, and the Japanese landed in Malaya.
I just wanted to remind everyone about what happened that day, sometimes it just isn’t worth forgetting.
For more information please visit:
Meeting Glenn: Saturday the 6th of December (which is today…I’m writing it now so I don’t forget anything…hopefully) Glenn Beck came down to Utah to do a book signing for his tour. The location was Layton Hills Mall inside the Deseret Book store. He was to arrive at noon and spend an hour there signing books. Because I was going to be unable to go to his concert due to my little sisters Sage and Autumn getting baptized (Congrats girls!) this opportunity to just receive his quickly scribbled signature on my book while I stood a foot away was more than this fan could handle it seemed. However to make it even more interesting my mother and my good friend Gypsy told me to give to him the first issue of Powers on Politics just to show him what I’ve been up to (you know…attempting to inform anyone who reads this). I told my mom that “that would be a great idea” even if it made me feel almost sick thinking about handing my little newsletter over to The Mr. Glenn Beck so that he could read it, and she printed it out for me with the added bonus of what I did in memoriam of September 11, 2001 (this almost embarrassed me more than giving him the first issue itself).
Now to be clear, for the past month or so (since I’ve known I’d be going to this) I’ve been insanely excited about it, I mean how many people actually get to meet someone like Glenn Beck in person (tons I know, maybe it should be rephrased as “how many people like ME get to see someone like Glenn Beck)? He’s so cool after all. Therefore the wait for this day was long and arduous to say the least and it was truly beginning to kill me the past couple days as I really began to stress over nothing but handing over my newsletter. I had to rationalize with myself that the worse thing that could happen was that he saw it as ridiculous and threw it in the garbage can-a scenario that would take place where I was not present and would never know. But there was also the fact that I am nothing but a kid giving my negligible opinions to a man who hosts his own radio talk show that is the THIRD most listened to show in America…no pressure at all right? Riiiiiiight.
Finally today came and I was picked up by my mother and we headed out to Layton at about 10:30am and arrived just after 11am. We didn’t have the best place in line, or so we originally anticipated before the rest of the line came and people were literally throughout the entire store, into the mall itself, and then finally back out the outside door of the mall. Due to our early arrival we, of course, had to stand for what seemed like an eternity. That eternity got just a bit longer when we were told that he was going to be fifteen minutes late. But that was okay, so long as somehow I got to see him in person-even if my book didn’t get signed.
At long last 12:15pm came and he arrived. He entered the bookstore through some super secret entrance and stood up on what I guess was a chair (I was too far back to see) only to address all of us in the store. For about five minutes he just talked to everyone; thanking us for coming and telling us that he knew that we understood what he’s been talking about then asking us to pray for each other and his family and he would do-and is doing-the same in return.
Then he disappeared from view and the line began to move, rather rapidly to my utmost surprise. Before I knew it I was just about three minutes away from him, and as I stood there I again admitted to my mother that I wasn’t sure that I could actually give him the first issue of the newsletter. Her reply was simple “if you don’t I will” and it was more than enough to persuade me that it was up to me to do this. At long last my mother was next in line with me behind her. The person ahead of us moved and my mom’s book was given to Glenn who took it signed it and handed it over to another person who would give it back to her only after Glenn had a chance to shake her hand. As she walked away he caught sight of her Boston Red Sox jacket and suddenly engaged her in a quick conversation. “Are you from Boston?” I was shocked, he was so busy and yet he still took even that moment for his question, my mom to tell him that she used to live there, and for him to reply quickly before turning to me shocked me.
As I said “turning to me”. My book was given to him and he shook my hand, which I did quickly and extremely nervously as I tried to remember the way I’d rehearsed giving my issue to him. (I’m not a psycho fan-girl or anything, just so we’re all clear, but I was seriously meeting one of my heroes face to face…I couldn’t believe it!) Words nearly failed me but I managed “you inspired me to do this” as I handed the newsletter to him. He smiled, took it, thanked me and said that he would read it on the bus. That was all before I was handed my book and shooed on so that the next person could have a turn. Though it was truly amazing to me, it was so cool just to have him say that he would read it and (to me) sound sincere when he could have just as easily told me that he was too busy.
I’m sure nothing will come of my giving him the first issue of Powers on Politics, in fact I’m sure I’ll always wonder what he could have possibly thought about it, but for just that moment I could not have cared less, because I knew that he would at least read it.
Auto Czar: I know what you are thinking-what the heck is a Czar? That my friend is a simple question, and I shall give you a quick answer. Czar –noun 1. An emperor or king. I know what you’re now wondering…we have a car king? Sounds like the title of some auto lot with that annoying salesman who wants you to buy the most expensive car on the lot. Unfortunately it isn’t that at all, though there are some similarities. This auto czar is going to be the answer to Congress’s problems with the Big Three because it is an individual who will be able to-in essence-control where and how the loaned $14 billion dollars is to be spent. But that won’t be the extent of the auto ruler.
This all time ruler of the auto industry shall be appointed by his highness President Bush (I might actually start calling him that…it kinda makes me want to cry…or laugh…I can’t decide) to make sure that someone doesn’t screw up the spending of this doled out $14 billion. We don’t need another financial bailout fund complication where the money they made us fork out went to something entirely contrary to what we were told it went to! No-sir-e-bob! But wait, it gets better, this czar (for some reason every time I type this word I hear the Budweiser “Real Men of Genius” voice) will also get the power to force Detroit automakers into bankruptcy (weird how that’s where this should all be going anyway) in the spring-if and only if-the “haven’t cut quick deals with labor unions, creditors, and others to restructure their businesses and become viable”. I’m going to suffer from a hemorrhage…I really am…I don’t-good Moses-I can’t even begin to put into words my anger at this fool move. Bloody LABOR UNIONS! We have to bend down and kiss the shoes of THOSE PEOPLE?! Why, they shouldn’t even be doing half the things they are doing! However, that won’t happen because (where’s my liberal voice inside my head…oh-wait-there it is!) “Chene’ you can’t cut out the unions, they keep the workers safe, they make sure rights are kept by the employees!” If I didn’t enjoy arguing with this voice in my head so much I’d have it evicted. Uh-uh-uh little voice, wrong again! The labor unions were designed to protect the worker, but that isn’t what this is all about, you are trying to sneak out of sight of the REAL issue! These unions are a big reason why the auto industry is having the problems that it is! Unions make it possible for the employees to retire, be continuously paid pension (a LARGE pension), if someone gets laid off then they can choose to move to a different company or if they don’t want to then they can still get paid! We’re paying people for sitting at home and eating TWINKIES! Moving back to the subject at hand….
Unfortunately there are law officials who wish that this so called “czar” could have even MORE power! "The car czar that they put in this bill, first of all, doesn't have a lot power -- has a lot of ability to suggest things -- but doesn't have enough power to cause the restructuring," said Sen. John Ensign, R-Nevada, who opposes an auto bailout and would prefer to see the companies in Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Not enough power, not very much power? Are we looking at the same thing here Senator Ensign? I don’t think so because to me it looks like this here czar is going to have the run of the auto industry with the flick of his finger-sort of like the bloody Secretary of Treasury has but to say that “his will be done” and the whole system will jump!
As for this complaint about having to purchase vehicles from bankrupt businesses…I can only ask…so what? “Chene’ no American wants to buy a product from a bankrupt business!” Oh, really, I seem to disagree. In fact if you recently purchased a plane ticket-you know earlier this year, you were probably flying with a bankrupt business. Just because a business is bankrupt doesn’t mean they suddenly stop producing their product, and it certainly doesn’t mean that their product is suddenly eradicated from everyday life. The argument is just another way to skirt around the issue, especially because it’s such a flawed argument in the first place. Come on people we aren’t in high school debate, hit me with some real negatives!
“If the bill becomes law, the car czar will be required to have expertise in economic stabilization, financial aid to commerce and industry, financial restructuring, energy efficiency, and environmental protection. The czar can also employ, appoint or contract with others who have similar expertise.
Jack Young, founder of Jack Young Personnel Services Inc, an executive search firm that recruits senior level candidates for the automotive industry, said that's not a bad start for a job description. But he said the czar also should have a deep understanding of the automotive industry.”
Alright now this detailed description of what a car czar needs to know gives a little hope-you know the kind of tiny flash of momentary light in an entirely black room. They could at least get a capitalist for this gig-right? Wrong. You know who Young thinks is the one and only one who can pull this off? (Find some sharp object to hit your head on…you’ll need it) The one and only Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg! Wait…where are the cheers…I can’t hear any…in fact all I can hear is the sound of my throwing my arms in the air and thinking “we’re so going to hell in a hand basket”…really, really loudly. Michael Bloomberg, well I guess. He already has the Czar thing covered since he’s now officially in his third ILLEGAL term as mayor (without elections), but other than that I don’t see why his name hasn’t been laughed at, the piece of paper crumpled up, and then lit on fire. (I have a small candle torch if anyone wants to borrow it).
There is one extra ray of sunshine in this ridiculous story though…not that it counts for much. There are a few Republicans left out there who oppose it completely…basically it won’t stop this thing from being passed on Monday (that’s the scheduled day of our big step forward further into Socialism…I encourage you all to mark it on your calendars) but at least you know that there’s someone at the least PRETENDING to want America to stay free. Lately that’s all you’re going to get.
Bye Y’All: That’ll do it for this issue, not much I know…but I think you’ll like next issue. Just so everyone knows the day the issue will be released weekly is now officially changed to Wednesday and or Thursday-at least until I have to change it again. Let’s just suffice it to say there will at least be one a week. Hope everyone’s having fun, and if you have a Facebook account look for my new Group called Powers on Politics-I’d love to see you there! Thanks y’all!
Works Cited:
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Powers on Politics Issue X
Hello: Ah, we meet again! Or at least I’m hoping I’m not just talking to myself…. Alright I have to get this off my chest. Last week I think I royally screwed up the roman numeral nine and turned it into an eleven…I’m just inattentive that’s all. Anyway besides that I also want to note that I have no idea when you will get this issue…we are having some computer problems the likes of which my parents believe that I can fix just because I "know computers better". I would like to take this moment to notify them that I don’t know anything. I know how to mess around until something happens-for good or ill. So in all likelihood I’ll make the problem worse than it already was. Oh-and I would like to apologize to all of you who may get this and the last issue together in a single e-mail…my e-mail is being funny as well. Why does everything I touch break?! Oh, and finally because I have no internet access I’m just going to be doing an opinion piece this week, maybe I’ll even throw in some fun stories about nothing in particular as I struggle to come up with something to fill at least four pages. On that note…enjoy-and beware!
Hi Mom…I Broke the Toilet…: I know that everyone is afraid of what I’m about to say…mostly because it has the words "Toilet" and "Broke" in the same sentence. Worry not, I’ll stay VERY clean.
Once upon a time it was Wednesday the 26th and I was home alone with my sisters Ashton, Sage, and Autumn. We were having a rockin’ good time doing…nothing. Alright we were bored, so we decided to play Apples to Apples and then after lunch we watched Igor on the computer. It was during this time that I made the error that I feared would have me strung up and quartered by my loving mother. Here’s why. I broke the flusher (for lack of a better term) of the toilet. Don’t ask me how-all I know is that it snapped apart and I suddenly became a plumber as I hurriedly sought to find a solution to my problem before I had to actually tell my mother that I had broken the toilet.
I removed the lid from the top of the toilet and looked in at the assortment of doodads and thingamabobs and realized that not only did I break the outside of the "flusher" but also the inside and I was without a clue on how to go about fixing it. Here’s where panic began to set in.
Hesitantly I exited the bathroom and stood at the top of the stairs. "Uh-Ashton…I, well I sort of…uhm…broke the toilet." Now at the age of a day under 13 my sister’s immediate reaction went something like- "What?!" Followed closely by a considerable amount of laughter then a simple "mom’s going to kill you" statement that did nothing to calm my nerves.
"What do I do? I have to tell her?"
This single question became the theme of the day. Between myself and Ashton we set about-after we stopped laughing (yes I too finally saw the humor in the situation…I mean seriously… I broke the toilet!)-figuring out how to break the news to my mother. Of course there were a myriad of ways all a little more entertaining than the last, and all excluding coming right out and telling her.
"So Mom, you know that toilet that is in the kids bathroom? Yeah, it’s sort of under construction." or "Mom-oh boy we’ve been doing so much today! We watched Igor, played Apples to Apples, ate lunch, I broke your toilet, we played hide-and-seek, now we’re playing on the Game Station (that’s code for X-Box)." Or the popular "Hi mom, yeah Ibrokeyourtoilet. Huh? What? What did you say? Toilet? What are you talking-broke?! What Toilet?" Unfortunately I had a firm belief that this would only leave to more trouble so I resigned to tell the truth. This is the way THAT conversation went.
"Hi Chene’."
"Hi Mom."
"Whatcha doin’ girl?"
"Just hanging out."
"How’s everything going over there?"
"Mostly good." (this is where I try to break it to her softly)
"That’s good. What are you doing?" (This is where I don’t think she really understood what I was trying to do.)
"We played, ate, hung out-you know."
"Sounds like things are good."
"Mostly?" (Here’s where I have to confess my sins and pray that you can’t get dismembered over the phone.)
"Well…I sort of…broke the toilet." (Here’s where I cringed)
"Broke the toilet?"
"Uhm…yeah the flusher thing broke off…when I was…."
"Too much information Chene’! How did you break it?" (Somehow her voice was more incredulous than anything else)
"I don’t know…I just did."
"Can it be fixed?" (This is where I get really scared)
"I don’t know…." (This is where I don’t admit that I’m pretty sure that I ruined the toilet)
"*Sigh* Alright, nobody goes in there." (Oh my gosh, I’m totally still alive!)
In the end a new piece was found and it was a simple install for my step father.
Oh-before I wind up this story I just remembered…when I did my little autopsy of the toilet the inside broken piece had sunk to the bottom of the toilet and at this point I had admitted my sin to Ashton and Sage and Autumn who all came running in to see. After a moment of debating over if it was possible to fish the piece out with chopsticks Ashton had to dive her hand into the water…no one wanted to give her a high five afterward for some reason.
I guess what I want to impart on everyone is this…apparently when you break the toilet…or rather the "flusher" you can get a replacement part quite easily at ACE Hardware for about six to eight dollars.
Punished for Patriotism: On the 23rd of November an event on Fox occurred that I had been waiting on for the space of a month and a half. The special premier of 24 season seven. I’ll go ahead and tell everyone at this point that I am a HUGE 24 fan and was dying to watch this particular episode. Well I did watch, and I did enjoy, but when it ended I was again left with a familiar distaste towards the show.
As is custom, it would seem, Jack was being attacked by not only the terrorists but he was being assaulted by the government that he had for so long given everything to protect. Apparently he had fled the United States (this explanation is for everyone who didn’t watch-shame on you-so that you are up to speed) looking for the freedom that had been taken from him by those government officials who were none too pleased with his methods of protecting his country-and saving the utter annoyance his little girlfriend (whose name both eludes me, and that I purposefully forget…ps-I hate that character) from the Chinese.
Unfortunately Jack can’t even escape from the U.S government even in Africa (I can’t remember which part but suffice it to say it was a more northern country). They came after him with a supina that he refused to take, and the man who was trying to get him with it wasn’t going to do anything about it because he was a wimpy little man. That was until Jack had to save a bunch of little boys and the only way they could get into the embassy was if Jack Bauer accepted the supina and was taken back to the United States.
This is where my problem with the show comes about. Jack Bauer has sacrificed EVERYTHING (yes I know it’s just a T.V show) and every time he gets attacked by the government. For instance at one point, he was captured by the Chinese who tortured him for an extended period of time only to be retrieved by the United States government to be used as a sacrifice for something else. I don’t think that Jack Bauer (the fictional character who is BETTER THAN CHUCK NORRIS-sorry it’s an argument I have with my brother) deserves to be attacked when he is nothing but a Patriot who does what he does to protect the country, to protect the people in the country. He is one of those "real" heroes that you can get behind, yet the way the government on the show treats him is the same as the real United States treats our heroes.
Think about it, take Compean and Ramos the two border guards who did their job only to be imprisoned because someone didn’t like it. These two men shot and killed an illegal immigrant who was smuggling drugs into the country.
Border Agents are constantly fighting a war on the Mexican border, a war on drug trafficking. As a result of this war the Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar has said that "there have been 1,982 incidents where Border Patrol agents were assaulted." Agents have responded to these sorts of incidents by using deadly force 116 times, with 144 agents discharging their weapons during these 116 incidents. In these instances Aguilar has reported that "13 assailants died as a result, and 15 incidents ended with the assailants being wounded." All of the 144 agents have been formally investigated and Compean and Ramos are the first ones to be attacked by the United States Justice system like this.
For doing what they do Compean and Ramos will be receiving 11-12 years in federal prison, how is this right? How can we do this to these two men who spend their time guarding us from people who come across this border that could wish to do harm to us?
American soldiers are viciously attacked by our politicians-and even our Presidential Elect who has accused them-our United States Soldiers- "Air raiding villages and killing civilians"! These are the men and women who are fighting for us-for me and you! They are laying down their lives for OUR FREEDOM and what do we do-attack them!
Since when was it a sin to be a hero, to be someone who is willing to stand up for our rights, our values? Why do so many of our leaders, and even citizens attack those who do the right thing; punish these people for it? We cannot do this, people, we cannot simply allow this to continue, and I hope that we can all do something to show those heroes that exist in our country, our states, our cities, our tiny hometowns that we appreciate them even if it is only walking up to your local police officer and thanking them for everything they do for you. We have to do this, because OUR heroes are being attacked, destroyed, and discredited. That, my friends, is wrong.
War For and Against God: Most only recognize that there is a war AGAINST God, but I recently realized there’s actually a small-and equally wrongful-war FOR God. We all can easily recognize those who are against God, they wish to keep the Ten Commandments out of the court houses, they want to remove the words "Under God" from our Pledge of Allegiance, and eradicate "In God we Trust" from our currency. These are all easily noted, but what many haven’t heard of is the war for God.
There is one currently happening here in Utah, and it truly stuns me. There is a man by the name of Chris Buttars a Republican Senator from West Jordan who wants to see "Happy Holidays" stricken from all retailers in the state. Instead he would have "Merry Christmas" adorning every sign and come out of the mouth of every cashier who checks out your groceries. Buttars has said "the majority of Americans celebrate Christmas as a Christian holiday because the United States is a Christian Nation."
There is so much in this statement that is flawed, so much of it I disagree with. The majority of Americans do celebrate Christmas (if we didn’t why would we be trampling people trying to get into Wal-Mart?), but that in no way suggests that the United States is a Christian Nation. The United States was built up in the idea that there was a God, yes that is true you can see it from the Founders who believed that the writing of the Constitution came from Divine Providence, but that in no way means that the U.S is solidly Christian or completely supports only Christian ideals. This country supports all manner of religions so long as they do not infringe on the law or rights of other individuals, but for Buttars to simply shoo away other religions is ridiculous.
It seems to me that what Buttars is going for is to bring the people closer to God, but what he is really doing is alienating everyone and destroying the true meaning of Christmas. We all know that this meaning is in no way attached to how we greet someone during the holidays. In fact if it was I’m sure we’d all be going to Hell because I’m pretty sure I’ve said "Happy Holidays" to many a person. If he wants to be on his silly "Quest for Christianity" he should tell everyone to start helping out people in need, to go volunteer, encourage people to serve each other, but not force anyone to do anything just because it makes him feel like he’s getting brownie points at the end of the day. Besides taking away the stores right to free speech is against that little thing called the CONSTITUTION! I don’t care what it’s for, you still can’t do it.
Just let us all remember, that if the little war that’s being fought-regardless if it’s for or against God-if it takes away the rights of those who don’t agree then it’s wrong. And not very God-like.
Attention Wal-Mart Shoppers: There is a day in every year that absolutely frustrates the heck out of me. It comes after one of my favorite days of the year-the day that I get to eat as much as I want with a smile on my face and with the knowledge that as soon as I digest my fifteenth helping I’ll be moving on to dessert. Black Friday. What a ridiculous day this is! The one day of the year when it is okay for people to act like (as my brother so eloquently put it) barbarians! Every year it is the same thing. People getting trampled and killed because a bunch of bargain crazed women rush the stores hoping that they will be the first to get an X-Box or Wii for their greedy little kids for Christmas!
Oh I want to smack those people! They make innocents like me never want to set foot out of my house on that day of the year and head to my local shopping center for fear of getting mauled by beastial hordes of pheromone-hyped gift-obsessed women! Why is it suddenly okay for people to act this way just one day out of the year when any other time they would be taken to jail and charged with something, yet that doesn’t seem to happen here.
This year it was a man who was trampled and killed in a Wal-Mart and a pregnant woman who was also trampled so badly that it caused her baby to be killed. Though despite this no one can be charged because there were to many mad women (and I’m sure men aren’t completely irresponsible in this either) in the mob to press charges; no one knows who did it…I think it was a group effort personally.
So, in closing I would like to tell all of those psycho women that they are ruining what this Holiday Season is all about, as well as taking lives and destroying lives in some cases. Instead why don’t you just stay at home, shop online, and leave the Black Friday shopping to those who are civilized enough to handle it.
Until Next Time: I am so glad that you took the time to read this issue even if it wasn’t overly informative and more of a random rant. Before I go I have to tell you at least one thing I can guarantee to be in the next issue-what it was like to stand in line to get my copy of the Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck signed by him…and how scary it was to hand him my first issue of Powers on Politics and hope that he didn’t just laugh at me. Until then my friends, I hope we all have a good next week!