About Me:
Hi, my name is Chene’ Tayler Powers. I live in a small town in Southern Utah called Gunlock and I’m eighteen years old. This is something that I never thought I’d be doing, but it has become extremely obvious that I need to do something to free myself from having to constantly yell at the radio when no one can actually hear my opinion. Not that the opinion of an eighteen year old matters to anyone. I have a few great passions in my life. First I love to write, I have written and am working on getting published two books-both fantasy-and I write about anything that comes to mind. I also like to read, I’m a fantasy genre buff, but lately I’ve been looking for more variety and am looking at some of the political books with interest. I also draw, I’m by no means an artist, but I enjoy drawing animals as often as I can, and I have a notebook full of them to prove how often that is. Next I play the violin, I love it! There is nothing better than music, if you cannot enjoy at least a single type of music than you aren’t living right. One day I hope that I could play for a movie Soundtrack. That goes straight to movies and acting. I’m an actor and have competed in school and done very well. I love movies too, there are few things as entertaining to me as going to watch a movie with friends, or even alone just to get away for awhile and relax. Besides that, I want to go into the science field sometime in my life. I want to study genetics, and do some good in that area of study. The possibilities in that realm are endless, and I have always loved the topic of genetics. Obviously I also like politics.
I was introduced to politics in the womb. My parents were listening to Rush before I was born, and afterward it never stopped. I listen to such greats as Rush, Glenn, Hannady, Lavine (pardon the spelling), and occasionally Savage. But it was mostly the influence of Rush and Glenn Beck that got me started on the possibility of sharing my opinions with others. I can only hope to at least be semi-entertaining in my small attempts to emulate my two biggest heroes.
As far as my family goes it’s actually rather large. My parents were divorced when I was eight, and both remarried so I have officially…wait gotta count on my fingers…soon to be twelve siblings besides myself…the twelfth is on it’s way by the end of this month. Luckily they don’t all live with me, that would be one crowded house! My brother Tyler, sister Ashton, and the twins Sage and Autumn live in Roy Utah with my mom and Step-Dad Chad. Here in Gunlock I’ve got three little brothers Hudson, Traycen, and David, and the one on the way. Chad has four kids, including Ariana and Skyler who live in Florida, McKaden who lives up north with his mom, and Alexis who lives with her mom-those are all my step siblings. Sometimes it’s hard, but it’s always fun.
That’s that, let’s get into the meat of this….
About Election 2008:
For those who may not be as on top of things in this election here is what you need to know….
On the Democratic ticket the Presidential candidate is Barack Obama. What’s he got going for him? Not much. Barack Obama served in the senate for a grand total of 736 days and during this space of time he passed no legislation and voted neutrally on almost everything that passed his way. He is most widely known for is a speech that he gave in 2002 (some credentials eh?) A few of his stances are these: He is pro-choice-which also means that any baby’s born after an abortion is failed he is willing to kill (I’m liking him more and more), he hates the rich, and wants to Change…(I wonder if he means his underwear…?) and he Hopes (don’t we all?). Not only will Barack Obama support the killing of your botched abortion baby but he also will proclaim himself on high as the One. That’s right the Lord Barry Obama is running for your votes. If you don’t vote for him he’ll sick a hurricane or earthquake on you…that’s just how good he is. Speaking of egos meet Mr. Joe Biden. This is a man who has been around almost as long as McCain (for those of you who haven’t seen McCain think Father Time), and when running on the ticket of Change doesn’t seem to really fit well. Despite all this he is for everything Obama is and more. The reason Obama chose him as his VP is because he has more experience than Obama does, and seemed like a safer bet when it came to foreign policy(since Obama wants to have a tea party with the terrorist leaders without pre-conditions…scary). Besides all of this he believes that “he is VERY much smarter than you!” You know I think we could run this country off of all the hot air on this ticket for at least the rest of my life-time. Take that Global Warming believers! Clean energy that!
Then we have the Republicans. Running for President is John McCain. What does he have that Obama doesn’t you ask? Well let me enlighten you. John McCain has been a senator for a long time, he has worked hard in Washington to “bridge the gap between the two parties” and is notoriously bipartisan (which is a fun word that means he likes to flirt with the democrats and liberals no matter how upset that makes republicans and especially conservatives). McCain most recently co-headed a bill with Ted Kennedy in the Senate asking for the legalization of all the illegal immigrants in our country so that they might be able to have equal opportunities (in the infamous words of Glenn Beck…riiiiiight). What’s worse is he tried to sneak it past the American people who, needless to say they didn’t exactly jive with this idea, and it was thrown overboard. Other than that McCain wants to keep the Bush tax cuts (yeah…), finish what we started in Iraq (yeah…), and is pro-life (YEAH!) He isn’t all bad, but he’s a little scary on immigration, the economy, and Global Warming (another fun topic we’ll discuss later). With McCain on the Republican ticket is a woman by the name of Sarah Palin. She is the governor of one of our most natural resource rich states in the country-Alaska (yay polar bears!). She has been governor for only one year, but has worked in the government system of Alaska for a few years now as a mayor, and before that she worked in her town as a PTA member who was out to fix the school system. She is a conservative through and through, she enjoys shooting animals in the wilderness (in fact I have a picture…maybe I’ll show it to you sometime), is pro-life, and is all for the death penalty. Not only that but this lady has fought corruption in Alaska ever since she started in politics, and she does it against both Republicans and Democrats…this woman isn’t picky. Now that we know whose running for President and Vice President we can make some more informed decisions.
Smearing Palin:
For the past-coming on two weeks now-and ever since John McCain announced that Sarah Palin was going to be his Vice Presidential pick the leftwing media and bloggers have launched an all out attack against her with outrageous allegations. Here is what I think about that…. Some extremely outrageous things are being thrown out there and I for one am disgusted by the lack of caring in the liberal blogosphere, and in the media. To begin with there are stories about her seventeen year old daughter Bristol. It came to light over the weekend that her daughter was five months pregnant, and the bloggers went nuts. Some are just calling her terrible names (the likes of which I won‘t be seen repeating), whereas others are taking it a step further. Palin had, earlier this year, a little boy (the fifth of five children) with Down’s Syndrome. The rumor has been flying around that Trig, the little boy, is not Sarah’s at all but her grandchild, and that Palin has been covering up a period of five months that Bristol was out of school by saying that she had bronchitis. Accusing Bristol of being the mother is absolutely ridiculous. Let’s look at the facts. Sarah had her son earlier this year-April in fact, and her daughter is five months pregnant. Please enlighten me as to how this could possibly ever happen! Besides this a photo of Bristol has been put on the internet highlighting her belly fat as a means of proving that she was pregnant-again let’s put on the brakes and find the truth. This picture, as uncovered by the researchers on the Glenn Beck program, is two years old. How humiliating it is for this poor girl to have to endure people she has never even met saying she looked pregnant at fifteen! I’ve looked at this picture and I can honestly say that she looks like any normal girl you see at school, and would never think was pregnant.
What kind of a sick society are we that we can ruthlessly attack a young teenage girl like this, but when it comes to Hillary Clinton’s daughter who spoke out for her mother during her campaign we aren’t to say a word against her? Or even when Obama makes comments like the reason he supports abortion is because “if my daughter’s make a mistake I don’t want them punished with a baby”? If a republican running for office said that the media would have a feeding frenzy! What sort of insane hypocrisy are these people promoting?!
Another smear has to do with Palin’s husband. The fact that he once had a DWI came up and-again-everyone jumped on that bandwagon as fast as they could. Again the facts were sought and it turns out that the DWI occurred twenty-two years ago, before Palin and her husband even met. I-like many others-would love to talk to Obama about what he was doing twenty-two years ago. Oh wait, we don’t have to, we already know. He was-and he has admitted this in his own biographies-doing drugs. Where’s the big to-do about that I wonder?
It seems the media left (I keep using this term, and I might be confusing people so let me clear this up real fast. Most of the media including news, newspapers, magazines, and a few others lean very left towards their political views and don’t always tell the truth-or rather aren’t always neutral journalists-in this case obviously there are some Obama supporters out there) is floundering for something to nail Palin on. More recently they have tried to blow what they call a HUGE scandal up to epic proportions. It’s called Trooper Gate. Currently Palin is being investigated for allegedly releasing an Alaskan state trooper because of family problems. The truth of the matter is this. This trooper is the husband of Palin’s sister and he has been found guilty of tasering his ten year-old step son, as well as telling his wife that if she tried to file a lawsuit against him he would kill her father. Because of those reasons Palin fired the trooper, I personally don’t see a problem with this. In fact with his record he should have been fired a long time ago. The guy has been given a speeding ticket while driving his police car, along with a long list of other violations and write-ups.
There’s also an e-mail going around claiming that Palin outlawed a bunch of books from the school library for no reason. Another untrue statement. Actually she never outlawed any books, or made any indication to do so. These are just a few of the MANY stories and allegations.
I am sick and tired of watching the media try to ruin the lives of good people just because they are on the opposing side of the isle. I wish that I could be in a place where I could trust the media(who strangely enough are supposed to be journalists)to give me the truth of what’s going on, not stoop to destroying seventeen year old girls. And you know what? Though I don’t think that Bristol Palin made the right choice in getting pregnant (whether it was an accident or otherwise) I am impressed with the way she has handled herself. She has taken full responsibility for her actions and is engaged to be married to the baby’s father. She could have had the child aborted, but instead she is having it because she believes that no life should be taken like her mother. It’s about time we see someone who is willing to own up to what they’ve done, we don’t seem to have enough of that in this country-at least where others can see it.
Drilling For Oil:
Because this is a HUGE topic that’s effecting so many people in our country I think I’ll address it in this first Issue. Actually it’s also because I don’t know what you are supposed to talk about in a first issue of anything….
Okay so here’s the inside scoop: America is a country that is rich in oil. I know that might come as a shocker to many individuals who thought that all the oil in the world was solely located in the Middle East, but it’s true. Alaska, the waters around Texas and Florida, even many parts of the West are known to be full of oil. However, we aren’t drilling there yet.
I believe that our dependence on the oil that is coming from the Middle East is hurting us. Those who run those oil reserves are capable of doing whatever they want with it because they are the ones in charge. America needs to stop depending on some other country for oil when we are very much capable of getting it from our own land, especially after what Russia pulled with Georgia not a month ago. My stand: Drill here drill now! It’s our oil why not use it…oh that’s right I forgot…the polar bears, or even the angry people yelling: “I don’t want to see that out my beach front window!” Eh-Shut up!
Addressing the Polar Bears-and other species-issues first. Up in Alaska there is a place called ANWAR (at this point I don’t know what it stands for but just stick with me here). ANWAR is a huge oil reserve that we are capable of tapping into except a load of environmentalist hippies don’t want us to because- “You’re killing the Polar Bears, save the animals!” This is a load of crap-to put it lightly-the drilling in ANWAR actually would take place in an area that is-one tiny-only a couple thousands square miles in comparison to a VERY huge arctic tundraish (yes I made up a word to make my point…I like the sound of it…tundraish…) landscape. Coincidentally enough, few to no polar bears live in the area….hmmm…sounds like hippy fairy tales trying to create unwarranted public outrage to me. However there does happen to be the occasional large herd of Caribou. “Oh dear lord save the caribou from the evil oil companies!” *smacks hippy across the face* Pull yourself together enviro-hippy (yep, for those keeping track that’s two new words I just made up) and listen to me for a second. Caribou actually love oil-strange as that might seem-but before an oil rig that already exists in Alaska was built there were no caribou, now that the rig is up…jeez you should see them-they’re everywhere! Animals are actually not effected by drilling, that’s because there are enough enviro-hippies out there that have gotten the people who build these rigs to build carefully with the environment always in mind. Good for you people! The excuse that drilling is harmful to the environment is a load-it’s just the hippies not liking what’s going on and throwing a hissy fit.
As for those rich people who live on the beach in their ritzy houses and don’t want to have drilling out in the ocean…well they are pretty much as full of crap as the hippies…probably because they are hippies too! Oil rigs have never had any intention of infringing on peoples “gorgeous ocean view”, mostly because they are always located a considerable distance off shore. Weird, huh, maybe the people throwing a fit have eagle-eyes or something because most normal people would never be able to see it…except for perhaps a spot out on the horizon. “Spots are obnoxious”…I know, I know but DEAL WITH IT!
Because this is a HUGE topic that’s effecting so many people in our country I think I’ll address it in this first Issue. Actually it’s also because I don’t know what you are supposed to talk about in a first issue of anything….
Okay so here’s the inside scoop: America is a country that is rich in oil. I know that might come as a shocker to many individuals who thought that all the oil in the world was solely located in the Middle East, but it’s true. Alaska, the waters around Texas and Florida, even many parts of the West are known to be full of oil. However, we aren’t drilling there yet.
I believe that our dependence on the oil that is coming from the Middle East is hurting us. Those who run those oil reserves are capable of doing whatever they want with it because they are the ones in charge. America needs to stop depending on some other country for oil when we are very much capable of getting it from our own land, especially after what Russia pulled with Georgia not a month ago. My stand: Drill here drill now! It’s our oil why not use it…oh that’s right I forgot…the polar bears, or even the angry people yelling: “I don’t want to see that out my beach front window!” Eh-Shut up!
Addressing the Polar Bears-and other species-issues first. Up in Alaska there is a place called ANWAR (at this point I don’t know what it stands for but just stick with me here). ANWAR is a huge oil reserve that we are capable of tapping into except a load of environmentalist hippies don’t want us to because- “You’re killing the Polar Bears, save the animals!” This is a load of crap-to put it lightly-the drilling in ANWAR actually would take place in an area that is-one tiny-only a couple thousands square miles in comparison to a VERY huge arctic tundraish (yes I made up a word to make my point…I like the sound of it…tundraish…) landscape. Coincidentally enough, few to no polar bears live in the area….hmmm…sounds like hippy fairy tales trying to create unwarranted public outrage to me. However there does happen to be the occasional large herd of Caribou. “Oh dear lord save the caribou from the evil oil companies!” *smacks hippy across the face* Pull yourself together enviro-hippy (yep, for those keeping track that’s two new words I just made up) and listen to me for a second. Caribou actually love oil-strange as that might seem-but before an oil rig that already exists in Alaska was built there were no caribou, now that the rig is up…jeez you should see them-they’re everywhere! Animals are actually not effected by drilling, that’s because there are enough enviro-hippies out there that have gotten the people who build these rigs to build carefully with the environment always in mind. Good for you people! The excuse that drilling is harmful to the environment is a load-it’s just the hippies not liking what’s going on and throwing a hissy fit.
As for those rich people who live on the beach in their ritzy houses and don’t want to have drilling out in the ocean…well they are pretty much as full of crap as the hippies…probably because they are hippies too! Oil rigs have never had any intention of infringing on peoples “gorgeous ocean view”, mostly because they are always located a considerable distance off shore. Weird, huh, maybe the people throwing a fit have eagle-eyes or something because most normal people would never be able to see it…except for perhaps a spot out on the horizon. “Spots are obnoxious”…I know, I know but DEAL WITH IT!
Global Warming What a Joke:
Lucky for the both of us I believe that you already know what this issue is. A man by the name of Al Gore, a former VP if I’m not mistaken, made a movie. In this movie he said that we evil humans were polluting the world, and if we weren’t careful because of our careless ways the world would heat up, icebergs would melt, the seas would rise, AND WE WOULD LOSE FLORIDA!!!!!!! Cue chaos music. Yeah,(Glenn moment again…riiiiiight…). Because of these dangerous hypothetical’s that are supposedly supported by all of the scientific community (*cough, whatever
cough*…sorry I couldn’t help it.) we have to change our lifestyles. You know the usual…new car that runs off of corn juice, or hydrogen, or chocolate (yeah you think I’m being funny but the chocolate car actually exists…personally I eat my chocolate but…whatever), or perhaps you want some of those odd looking light bulbs that are shaped like the curly cheetos?(If this whole “This is what I think” thing goes anywhere you’ll realize I like food). Or you want to use reusable toilet paper(okay freakin‘ gross!), or not have kids because the environment could be impacted, or not let cows fart because the methane gas released can eat through the ozone and we could all die…yeah things like that. Plus there’s always a way that you can offset those pesky carbon credits (which is a fun term for bad things you shoot into the atmosphere when you do just about anything) by buying huge “Offsets”-another fun term that means a counterbalance to your pollution.
Well now…let’s see where to begin…. Oh I know! Al Gore, the Nobel peace prize winner with the movie. Alright, everyone, here’s the scoop. Al Gore tweaked a lot of the stats featured in his movie, and his claim that the entire scientific community is behind him is wrong. (but we’ll get back to the scientists later). Al Gore is a man who doesn’t exactly practice what he preaches. The guy is a millionaire, and because of this he likes to fly around in private jets. I know what you’re thinking: “Well Chene’ those jets are probably run on alternative fuels, he’s a good man, he’s saving the planet.” Let me take it from here. Al Gore’s jet(s) do not run on alternate energy, in fact he burns through a whole heck of a lot of gasoline when he flies around to his million dollar appearances all over the world. The man also owns an enormous house, this house runs on both solar panels and electrical power, but he’s generated far more electricity than he used in solar energy. Yet he’s still preaching to you(Again as Glenn Beck would say…riiiiiight…).
So here’s what Al Gore doesn’t want you to hear. The truth is that the ozone (I hope we all know what that is ’cause I ain’t explaining it) is a thing that changes. Basically it can open and close all by itself without the “extra assistance” that Al Gore seems to believe we give it throughout our daily lives. Truth be told the CO2 emissions that we all release (strange how we gotta breath right?) aren’t eating away at the ozone, it’s just the ozone doing what it does best…changing. It will open and close according to its own cycle, not because of you. So basically Al Gore is making a killing off of all those individuals who buy into this stuff because you are buying what he’s selling(which includes guest appearances that cost some 25,000 dollars each). He also would like to keep “hush, hush” that not all scientists are behind this little charade. In fact there are many scientists who are fired or discredited because they believe otherwise. If a scientists voices his evidence against Global Warming he is quickly shut down, because we all know that we don’t want the public to wonder…is this true?
Next we move to Carbon Credits. I hate these, they make me feel like I’m going to have an aneurism. First, before I get into my opinion let’s have a little science lesson (all those who are uncomfortable around science may close their eyes and stop reading….now). There are a four elements on the periodic table that are the basic elements of life. These are Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, and…wait for it…Carbon! Carbon is in everything. Rocks, trees, you, me (Oooh, get that carbon out of me! It burns it burn-oh sorry…) it’s everywhere. If carbon didn’t exist life wouldn’t exist, just like if the tires on your bike didn’t exist you would be hosed. So basically this is what I think of Carbon Credits. They’re a sham. All they are is a random total your purchase that is supposed to give you an excuse to pollute as much as you want, because in the end you turn in your little Carbon Credits and it’s supposed to counter everything you did. Again you didn’t DO anything. Yes you lived your life, yes you drove your car, yes you probably farted and blamed it on someone else, but just because you hold a piece of paper saying “you are excused from all the bad polluting you are going to do that will destroy the ozone if you don’t turn this in” doesn’t mean it’s true. People-like Gore-want money and they are willing to lie through their teeth to get it. Carbon Credits mean nothing, in fact I hope you continue using things that burn carbon because that puts it back into the environment so that it can be used for other things…Carbon is good, Carbon Credits are crap!
What further bothers me is that there is a huge push from China, Japan, and India for a Global Warming alliance of nations that would in essence prohibit everyone in the “evil United States” to conform to what the leaders say about Global Warming. This alliance is a ridiculous attempt for other countries to encroach upon ours because they want to over throw the U.S, or at least make us less a super-power. What’s even more scary is that people in the government are open to the idea of potentially having its own peoples rights taken away by a different country. When did that become a sane idea? Seriously we need to stay far away from China, Japan, and India’s plots to rope us in so that we have to comply to their demands. It isn’t safe I tell ya!
Basically Global Warming is a hoax that is created to make you so afraid of something that you run out and buy whatever the people gaining from your little fear-spree want so that they get more money. Period the End.
Extra Information:
In the unlikely event that someone wants me to continue doing this here is what you can do to contact me so that you can talk about your own opinion, tell me what the next topic you want to know about should be, or whatever.
My e-mail addresses are as follows from most frequently used to not used hardly ever:
Also you can find me on Facebook and Minekey as Chene’ Powers. I have all sorts of opinions on Minekey…a little searching on any of these topics will easily turn me up.
Again-if this ever goes anywhere-I hope that I do hear from people who read this and get some feedback, how will I know what you think if you don’t talk to me? Huh, huh?
Finally thanks for reading, and I hope it was as fun reading as it was writing.
Lucky for the both of us I believe that you already know what this issue is. A man by the name of Al Gore, a former VP if I’m not mistaken, made a movie. In this movie he said that we evil humans were polluting the world, and if we weren’t careful because of our careless ways the world would heat up, icebergs would melt, the seas would rise, AND WE WOULD LOSE FLORIDA!!!!!!! Cue chaos music. Yeah,(Glenn moment again…riiiiiight…). Because of these dangerous hypothetical’s that are supposedly supported by all of the scientific community (*cough, whatever
cough*…sorry I couldn’t help it.) we have to change our lifestyles. You know the usual…new car that runs off of corn juice, or hydrogen, or chocolate (yeah you think I’m being funny but the chocolate car actually exists…personally I eat my chocolate but…whatever), or perhaps you want some of those odd looking light bulbs that are shaped like the curly cheetos?(If this whole “This is what I think” thing goes anywhere you’ll realize I like food). Or you want to use reusable toilet paper(okay freakin‘ gross!), or not have kids because the environment could be impacted, or not let cows fart because the methane gas released can eat through the ozone and we could all die…yeah things like that. Plus there’s always a way that you can offset those pesky carbon credits (which is a fun term for bad things you shoot into the atmosphere when you do just about anything) by buying huge “Offsets”-another fun term that means a counterbalance to your pollution.
Well now…let’s see where to begin…. Oh I know! Al Gore, the Nobel peace prize winner with the movie. Alright, everyone, here’s the scoop. Al Gore tweaked a lot of the stats featured in his movie, and his claim that the entire scientific community is behind him is wrong. (but we’ll get back to the scientists later). Al Gore is a man who doesn’t exactly practice what he preaches. The guy is a millionaire, and because of this he likes to fly around in private jets. I know what you’re thinking: “Well Chene’ those jets are probably run on alternative fuels, he’s a good man, he’s saving the planet.” Let me take it from here. Al Gore’s jet(s) do not run on alternate energy, in fact he burns through a whole heck of a lot of gasoline when he flies around to his million dollar appearances all over the world. The man also owns an enormous house, this house runs on both solar panels and electrical power, but he’s generated far more electricity than he used in solar energy. Yet he’s still preaching to you(Again as Glenn Beck would say…riiiiiight…).
So here’s what Al Gore doesn’t want you to hear. The truth is that the ozone (I hope we all know what that is ’cause I ain’t explaining it) is a thing that changes. Basically it can open and close all by itself without the “extra assistance” that Al Gore seems to believe we give it throughout our daily lives. Truth be told the CO2 emissions that we all release (strange how we gotta breath right?) aren’t eating away at the ozone, it’s just the ozone doing what it does best…changing. It will open and close according to its own cycle, not because of you. So basically Al Gore is making a killing off of all those individuals who buy into this stuff because you are buying what he’s selling(which includes guest appearances that cost some 25,000 dollars each). He also would like to keep “hush, hush” that not all scientists are behind this little charade. In fact there are many scientists who are fired or discredited because they believe otherwise. If a scientists voices his evidence against Global Warming he is quickly shut down, because we all know that we don’t want the public to wonder…is this true?
Next we move to Carbon Credits. I hate these, they make me feel like I’m going to have an aneurism. First, before I get into my opinion let’s have a little science lesson (all those who are uncomfortable around science may close their eyes and stop reading….now). There are a four elements on the periodic table that are the basic elements of life. These are Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, and…wait for it…Carbon! Carbon is in everything. Rocks, trees, you, me (Oooh, get that carbon out of me! It burns it burn-oh sorry…) it’s everywhere. If carbon didn’t exist life wouldn’t exist, just like if the tires on your bike didn’t exist you would be hosed. So basically this is what I think of Carbon Credits. They’re a sham. All they are is a random total your purchase that is supposed to give you an excuse to pollute as much as you want, because in the end you turn in your little Carbon Credits and it’s supposed to counter everything you did. Again you didn’t DO anything. Yes you lived your life, yes you drove your car, yes you probably farted and blamed it on someone else, but just because you hold a piece of paper saying “you are excused from all the bad polluting you are going to do that will destroy the ozone if you don’t turn this in” doesn’t mean it’s true. People-like Gore-want money and they are willing to lie through their teeth to get it. Carbon Credits mean nothing, in fact I hope you continue using things that burn carbon because that puts it back into the environment so that it can be used for other things…Carbon is good, Carbon Credits are crap!
What further bothers me is that there is a huge push from China, Japan, and India for a Global Warming alliance of nations that would in essence prohibit everyone in the “evil United States” to conform to what the leaders say about Global Warming. This alliance is a ridiculous attempt for other countries to encroach upon ours because they want to over throw the U.S, or at least make us less a super-power. What’s even more scary is that people in the government are open to the idea of potentially having its own peoples rights taken away by a different country. When did that become a sane idea? Seriously we need to stay far away from China, Japan, and India’s plots to rope us in so that we have to comply to their demands. It isn’t safe I tell ya!
Basically Global Warming is a hoax that is created to make you so afraid of something that you run out and buy whatever the people gaining from your little fear-spree want so that they get more money. Period the End.
Extra Information:
In the unlikely event that someone wants me to continue doing this here is what you can do to contact me so that you can talk about your own opinion, tell me what the next topic you want to know about should be, or whatever.
My e-mail addresses are as follows from most frequently used to not used hardly ever:
Also you can find me on Facebook and Minekey as Chene’ Powers. I have all sorts of opinions on Minekey…a little searching on any of these topics will easily turn me up.
Again-if this ever goes anywhere-I hope that I do hear from people who read this and get some feedback, how will I know what you think if you don’t talk to me? Huh, huh?
Finally thanks for reading, and I hope it was as fun reading as it was writing.
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